Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh wow - hard to believe it's been so long since I posted! Crazy times for sure. Both of my co-workers were out of the office for a week and even though it was quiet - it was busy, busy, busy. AND, it got busier when they got back! We had our annual reward dinner for the students on Tuesday and the new president of our college was there. Made us really try hard to make sure everything was perfect. And, thankfully it went off with nary a hitch at all.

Yesterday DH and I got outta bed, fed the critters and headed off the DD's house north of Dallas to watch grandson play soccer and to snag those grandbabies and bring 'em home with us. So, nearly 5 hours up yesterday afternoon, watch a soccer game, get back to the house, visit a few hours, sleep a few hours, watch a soccer game again today and head back home with three kiddos in the back seat. Unfortunately, we had an extra passenger or two.... Oh gee whiz, I haven't had to deal with this problem since - NEVER! My granddaughter has lice - YIKES!! We discovered 'em when I was fixin' her hair before the soccer game. Seems the daycare has had an outbreak....

So, we stopped at a pharmacy, grabbed some chemicals and spent a couple hours dealing with that as soon as we got home. I found a few, but certainly not an infestation - but honestly - I don't like it! head is itching just thinking about it, lol. But, it does make me wonder if there's a natural way to do this. I mean, sorta too little too late since I've already slathered her head with chemicals.... But, if we have to do a re-treatment - (and I think it's recommended to re-treat in a week) - I'd like to know if there's another way to handle it.

I am one sleepy Toto (what the grandkids call me) so I think I'm gonna call it a night. I know those little darlins will be up early! They don't like to miss a minute of farm time...

G'nite folks!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Gives me the heebie jeebies too... but I had them once. I used tea tree essential oil and rinsed my hair with Vinegar every day, and that seemed to take care of it. Again, I don't think I had a bad outbreak either, so I'm not sure if that would be enough for a bad case or not. I don't like using chemicals if I can help it! Glad you got it taken care of!
Toto, that's cute :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks ya'll!

Busy day with the little darlin's. Oh my - I am all wrapped up in gramma bliss! Tomorrow is the "fun jump" experience. An indoor play space with a bunch of jump houses and blow up obstacle courses and all manner of fun. After that it's a trip to their favorite Chinese buffet restaurant....oh my! Still not sure how I'm gonna handle three of 'em at the restaurant - but we'll figure it out.

Not much gonna get done on the farm this week - but eh - who cares? Some things in life are so much more important. Gotta cherish these times while the kiddos still love the farm. A few more years and the mall might be more important. Sooo, I plan to eat 'em up while I've got the chance!

Again, I'm a tired Toto and about to head to the bed. Maybe a glass of red first...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well... sent the little darlings back home yesterday. :hit I miss 'em already. We had a blast! First day we hung out at home and played about a thousand games of Connect Four and at least 500 games of Skip Bo.

The next day we went to the bouncy house Fun Jump place, and their favorite Chinese restaurant that afternoon.

Day after that we chilled at home and did something they'd never done before. We played in the rain! It was awesome. They didn't even believe that we were about to do it, lol. I ran out the door and they stood there and just looked at me with their mouths hanging open. OMG - how can you be a kid and NOT play in the rain. There was no thunder or lightening so why not??? Then we all made tie dye shirts. After that it was hair coloring and bead time for the girls. Mostly for the girls - my grandson decided he needed colored hair too - but it was kinda hard to get it on his buzz cut hair. Oh man, these kids were fun.

Thursday morning the youngest one went to her dads and I kept the older two for a few days longer. It was my dad's 86th b'day so we headed down to spend the afternoon with him. We ate some chicken and swam in the pool. My brother lives next door so he came over and joined the festivities. He can coach every stinkin' sport you can think of so he gave the kids diving lessons. They loved it and learned something at the same time. Hated to come home, but we did.

We chilled again the next day which was Friday. They helped feed every evening and they got pretty good at it. And, I guess they're growing up cuz they gathered eggs and never even broke one.

We drove em half way home yesterday and spent 6 hours in the truck...whew I was glad to get out of it. Sooo, what did we do today but get back in the truck at 10a this morning and got home after 6p. BUT - it was worth it because I bought a tractor! Oh, and the tractor was just the beginning because it came with an 18 foot trailer, a plow, a hay fork, a heavy duty auger with three bits, a front end loader and a brush hog. Whew! All I need now is a back hoe and I'll have it all! That's not gonna happen any time soon cuz I spent enough money today.....

I'm tired and I've gotta go back to work tomorrow so I'm headed for the shower and the bed.

G'nite folks!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm so excited about it I could just ... well... I'm excited! :lol: I amuse myself.

We haven't even gotten to play with it the new tractor yet :(. I need tractor time! First chore will be to get the plow offa the trailer. It's heavy! But, I'll just put a strap around it and lift it off with my handy dandy front end loader. that reminds me, I need a boom pole ( i think that's what they're called). Second chore will be to pull up some old fence posts that have broken off pretty much at ground level. That's not even an easy chore WITH a tractor cuz you gotta dig down to get something around the concrete chunk so you can get a hold on it to pull it up. First hubster concreted every stinkin' post in the ground. He always did go for overkill. I think the concreted posts actually rotted off faster and worst part is they rotted off right at the junction between the post and the concrete. Absolutely NO post to grab on to... gee whiz!

Hmmmm... that's got me to thinking. Since this entire run of fence has to come down....maybe I can just use my handy dandy new auger thingy and dig new holes for the new posts. Nothing says the new posts have to go where the old posts were, right? Except for the gate post... Then I wouldn't have to pull up any more posts. I like that idea!

I put Spooky (nubian doe) with Dusty (nubian buck) a couple days ago. That'll give me babies in early January if things go according to plan. I'm afraid the does that I'm milking now will dry up while I'm in Canada. I'm gonna try to leave their doe babies with 'em and hope they'll keep the milk flowing, but the mama's are starting to wean 'em now - don't know if they'll last another month. Anyway, with breeding a doe now I'll be getting milk again in January. Guess if they do dry up I'll have a long dry spell before I get milk again. Ugh!

Oops, lunch time is over - gotta get back to work.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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For using the auger, if you haven't done it B4, take it slow! There's nothing worse than having crooked holes for fence posts. And there's a trick to getting it done. But, once you get the hang of it, it's not that hard. While I've never done one for fence posts, I used to work on a fruit farm. And I used one a lot for digging new holes for trees. I got quite good at it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have actually done it before and there IS something worse than crooked holes and that's how much your neck hurts after an entire day of drilling from looking back over your shoulder to see if it's straight, lol!

But, let me make this official - I LOVE ME SOME TRACTOR!! We used it to pull that stupid post outta da hole yesterday. When I say my ex was into over-kill with most projects... there was three feet of concrete in that hole and I'm not even exaggerating. We couldn't even pull it straight up cuz the chain kept slipping, so we just started pulling it out sideways and that tractor plowed itself a hole dragging that broken post and all the concrete out - but it's O.U.T!!! We rolled it up into the front loader bucket and it went off to the land of discarded concrete chunks. One down!

I'm ready to get my fall garden going - so somebody better tell the weather guy that it needs to be fall here. I want to plant lots of broccolli and cabbages. And Napa cabbage - I need some napa cabbage to make some kimchee. That is some gooood stuff!

It's time to get serious about getting things/critters ready to be alone while we're on vacay. I'll start on that tomorrow. Gonna hang some extra hay racks and try to get the roof on the new chicken coop. The deer/chicken feeder came in today so we'll get that put together this weekend and see how it works. Need to get an idea how to set it and how long the feed will last in it.

Other than that - things are rolling along.