Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks hqueen!

That was first on my list today and I'm pleased to say I got 'er done. Now - ask me in a week if it's still holding air, lol. And, if I'da been more observant I would have known that you can plug a tractor tire, cuz I found another plug already in it. I've gotta say that the tires were one thing I was concerned about when we bought this tractor - and it looks like I was right to be worried about 'em. But, if that's the worst thing that happens, I'll be okay with it. Got some of the feed moved out to the big barn and the rest of it is out of the truck, on the back porch waiting out the rain so I can get it to the little barn.

Right after that the skies started darkening, so I jumped on the mower and ran out and mowed the barnyard. I finished it in the rain - but at least that's off the list too. Didn't get the yard mowed, but I had done that last weekend, so it's not too bad. Thankfully, the grass isn't growing as fast as it was a few months ago when I needed to mow about every 4 days.

Came inside and grabbed the vacuum. Got the entire downstairs vacuumed including the oh so nasty breezeway. Took all the area rugs outside and beat the crud out of 'em. I'll put 'em back in place after I get out my shark and give this floor a good steamin'. It's nice to walk across the floor in my bare feet again and not feel like I constantly need to wipe 'em off. I tell you - this place was a mess!

I'm half-way watching the OU/UT game. DH is a UT alum, so he's glued to the set. Gotta say I really hope UT wins, even though they're behind right now. He'll be in a much better mood if they pull it off, lol.

Milk is setting on the counter, waiting to make another batch of cheese. We had toast with melted chevre this morning. Was pretty tasty if I do say so myself. This upcoming batch I'll be adding some roasted garlic and probably some rosemary. I've gotta cut back my huge rosemary bush anyway so I might toss some of it in the dehydrator. Also found a few minutes to skim some cream offa some milk and shook up another batch of butter. It's mighty tasty stuff.

Have some laundry going, but still haven't stripped my bed. Need to get upstairs and do that next. I've got some shrimp in the sink thawing...gonna fix up a batch of shrimp scampi for dinner.

Turned some of the baby does out with their moms - thought they were weaned... That's what I get for thinking, lol. One of the moms is kicking her baby away like crazy - the other one is standing and letting her baby nurse. I'm not too upset with it though, cuz I am overflowing with milk right now. Her baby will keep her producing and I can use up some of this milk! Things work out for a reason, lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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And that was just this morning!

Since then, I got the bed stripped, sheets washed and dried - not back on the bed yet though...

Took the rest of the feed out to the little barn, filled the deer/chicken feeder, fed all the critters, and milked.

I even got the hedges trimmed back away from the house so the painters can get behind 'em.....but I also managed to "trim" the cable that goes to the satellite RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOOTBALL GAME. OH MY GOSH! Dh was fit to be tied - but he was very kind about it, lol. No way he would fuss at me when I'm doing all the heavy work around here right now!

So, today I learned two new skills. I fixed that tractor tire this morning, and this evening I spliced the co-axal, co-axil, co-axle... Heck, I might not know how to spell it - but I dang sure FIXED that stinkin' cable! And, now we've got satellite again. Truth be told - I was kind of enjoying the peace and quiet, but since DH can't do anything else - he's enjoying parking in his recliner in front of the boob tube.

Oh yea - made more cheese too...oh and unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher...

And peeled shrimp for scampi...

Now, I've got a glass of wine and I'm gonna relax with a good book or summpin.

Tomorrow it's off to Home Depot to find a new kitchen faucet. Geeze, I sure hope I can install it. Ya'll wish me luck!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Luck! I'm sure you can do it. And I feel lazy. I've basically done nothing unless it had to be done.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Glad you're confident in me - I'm not so confident in myself.... I've done simple plumbing things on outside pipes...and once upon a time a long time ago I put in a bathroom faucet. But, I'm wavering on this install. I cleaned out the under sink area... it was wet - UGH! After it dries up a little I'll go see if I can even manage to get my head up in there to see what's going on. Really wavering on this one... might have to call in a few favors and see if I can get ANYbody else to do it for me, lol!

If I'm not under the sink all day - I'm planning to get a couple of my raised beds planted. One of the raised beds had a late planting of green beans in it. They've been blooming and going crazy but I've mostly picked just a handful of beans here and there...not really enough for anything. With this crazy weather we've had lately - cool then warm, then wet, then warm...something must have clicked because yesterday I picked about 4 lbs of green beans from this 4 x 8 bed. I'll be cooking up a big ol pot of 'em this afternoon - for sure! I don't think there's too much left on the plants so I'll probably go ahead and pull them and put some kale in there.

I have another bed that is ready to plant but it has one lonely tomato plant left in it. Haven't seen a bloom on it, so it'll probably get yanked out too. I'll turn that bed into a salad bed and plant different lettuces/radishes/carrots in it. I might just jumble up the seeds and broadcast them and then stand back and see what happens, lol. I'll have to put some fence panels over the bed because a couple of the chickens that fly out of the barnyard have decided that bed is the best dusting area on the place. They won't stay out of it - grrrr.

I'm still working on the little garden. I've got some cabbage plants that I'll stick out there. It still needs some work, but there are plant-able areas that I can put into service now. I shouldn't have let it get so overgrown this summer - but eh - stuff happens.

Need to get DH up and out of his recliner so we can head out to Home Depot. That place sure ends up with a lot of our money.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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There's a few places that end up w/my money like TSC.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I unnerstand! But, our local TSC kinda sucks, so I've switched to Steinhausers. (not sure if they're nationwide)

We headed out early to Home Depot to find a faucet - but wouldn't ya know it - they didn't have the same one I liked online. And, of course, the one I liked online is out of stock - argh!

So we went to the local café and had breakfast. It was kinda nice so we lingered a little while, had a few too many cups of coffee and then came on home. I was driving DH's new car and since he wasn't moaning at every bump I decided to see what the car has. It's a fairly small car with a turbocharged six-cylinder engine. When I punched it - it jumped so hard that I actually screamed, lol. Not gonna tell ya'll the word I screamed - but it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g how that car tried to jump right out from under our behinds. WOW!

I got the front and back yards mowed - totally forgot to do the side - and totally don't care, lol. Then I finished trimming the hedges away from the house so the painters can work behind 'em. Part of that included trimming back my HUGE rosemary shrub. I was gonna put some in the dehydrator - but I barely dented the bush, so why bother drying any? I've got enough for the whole block as it is - so not gonna mess with preserving it.

I managed to pick another pound or so of green beans before I pulled the plants. I'll put some kale in that bed. I got the other bed planted in some lettuce, broccoli raab and carrots. Never had broccoli raab before - so I'm looking forward to that. Finished a couple loads of laundry too.

Made some awesome shrimp scampi for dinner and some of the fresh green beans. Just killing time now waiting for the season premiere of Walking Dead - the things my DH has me hooked on....


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Way to go you! Hope the kitchen sink is easy peasy too!
Yall put my efforts to shame lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I am glad to say that the tractor tire is still holding air! I am so proud of myself I could just spit, lol. Except I don't spit - very unladylike, ya know!

Chickens are slacking these a grand total of 5 eggs yesterday. And that's out of a whole bunch of hens. Shame that I don't know exactly how many I have, huh? But, things need to start changing around here. I've probably got about a dozen extra roosters I need to take care of. And, I've got some young 'uns that are turning out to be little roos too. Looks like the freezer is gonna be full again real soon.

Finally got some quail eggs into the incubator. Since butchering a big batch of them before our disastrous vacation I've only got a dozen birds left and some of those are males so I need to restock! When they get close to laying age I'll put lights on them to help with egg production and I'm betting they'll outlay my lazy chickens throughout fall/winter. It's a whole lot easier and cheaper to put lights on a couple quail cages than to figure out a way to put lights on all my chickens- especially because most of the chickens free range.

We're going to try again to go see DH's mom this weekend. Hoping the trip works out this time. She took a tumble off of her riding mower over the weekend. Thankfully, the blades weren't on, she was just using it to go up the hill to visit her sister. She ended up with a sore shoulder, but no more injuries, thankfully! She's a pretty tough ol' gal!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Wow she is tough!
Do you ever sell your quail eggs? A friend of mine was getting curious about quail, so I figured I'd ask. I should probably get her to sign up for the site so she can talk to people lol