Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not doing anything special for my dad this year. I wanted to, but I'm just too busy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Mmmmm, pie sounds good!

The roast has been in the crock pot since 1am this morning. And, I'm trying a new recipe - dangerous I know, lol. I usually add a nice glug (okay a bottle) of red wine to my crock pot when I'm cooking a pot roast but I didn't have any wine in the house. So, this is officially a beer braised pot roast and it smells heavenly.

I sliced up all the strawberries last night and sprinkled them with some Truvia and let 'em soak that sweet goodness up. I've got an angel food cake for the 'cake' part of the strawberry shortcakes. Waaay back in the day I would make my own 'shortcakes' but right now I'm all about the convenience... However, I will bake the cornbread from scratch.

I need to give the doelings a dose of Totrazuril. They're not showing any definitive symptoms of coccidia but in the last couple of weeks they just seem to not be especially thriving. Their coasts are just a tiny bit rough and their body condition is just a bit off. They're about weaning age and I know their mama is tired of being sucked dry so she might be cutting them off a bit. Stress is great for inducing a coccidia bloom and I'm not taking any chances of getting behind the curve ball. I had trouble with a set of bucklings earlier this year so not gonna risk it.

Better get busy. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Dinner was really good. My brother, sil and nephew came over and it was really nice to all sit down together for a meal.

We 'inherited' a trailer while we were there. My folks had a 16 foot low-boy sitting in the backyard in their suburban neighborhood. My brother and sil do their yard work and they were tired of mowing around it so we obliged everyone by bringing it home. I didn't really need it because I have an 18 footer that we got when we bought our tractor, we have a 10 footer that DH uses for his motorcycle and I have a horse/goat trailer too. We need to rearrange a little to have a good spot for everything but with all this wetness its kind of hard, but I'm not complaining about a free trailer.

Got the doelings treated with a cocci treatment/preventative. Feel really good to have that done. And, had to do my least favorite chore in goat keeping and disbud the newest babies. So, I did the four of them last night and it just breaks my heart - but it has to be done.

My daughter made me cry yesterday. She wished me a happy Father's day "for all the years you had to be both mother and father". She was at a very bad age to go through the kind of divorce that her father and I had and she is just now starting to have realistic memories of it at 30 years old. I think some part of a child's brain protects them from trauma and blocks the bad memories until they are ready to handle it. Anyway - 'nuff said about that! But, it was sweet of her to acknowledge those times.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's always good when they come to that realization on their own.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Lots of busy-ness going on around here lately. Between work and house work and yard work and goat work...geeze!

We took our students on a field trip Thursday - wow - just wow! We went to a Chiropractic College. We got to see the normal stuff like classrooms, and their clinic, and some presentations from some of their staff. Our science/biology instructor told us to ask the tour leader if we could take our students into the cadaver lab. GULP! We weren't even sure the college would allow it - but we had our students get permission from their parents - justincase. We got there and found out that it had been 'ok'd' by the college. I've got to say that it was a very intense experience.

Most of the students handled it very well! The doc who gave that part of the tour was absolutely incredible. He helped the students understand how important it is to be respectful of these folks who had donated themselves for the education of others - but still managed to keep it light and keep our students engaged. He had a lot of the students right up front and hands on! We have a few students who are planning a medical career so they were really pumped. I think we all left there just a little bit changed.

Baby goats are coming along after a quiet day after their disbudding. One of their mama goats has injured a back leg and is pretty sore. Somehow, and I have yet to figure this out, they got one of the self-feeders( that was screwed to the wall OFF of the wall) and she must have gotten a leg hung up in it. The feeder was all the way across the stall and on top of a platform that's about 18 inches high. No idea how that happened! :idunno

I've had one of 'the boys' working for me a couple of days this week. I've employed two of his brothers previously and he's the next in line. These guys are such hard workers - and big eaters, lol. His oldest brother (who was my first worker) is back in town after working in North Dakota for awhile. Yesterday was my first time to see him in months when he came by to pick up his brother. Well - it just happened to be dinner time so they sat down with us for dinner. DH's mom was also here to spend the night. I had made TWO meatloaves (started with 5 lbs of meat), roasted vegetables and broccoli salad and when I tell you those guys INHALED that meatloaf I mean they INHALED that meatloaf, lol! There was hardly more than a couple slices left. I do love to feed 'em so it was all good!

We've gotten lots of yard work done this week, so today I'm going to try to get some more of the pasture mowed before the rain sets in this afternoon. My day will be spent on the tractor so hopefully, I'll get my quota of vitamin D for the day.

Another cup of coffee and I need to get to it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think I would have skipped that part of the tour!

It's amazing what goats can get into.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Spent 6 hours on the tractor yesterday in the crazy heat, but got my entire pasture mowed. It was soooo hot. I weighed myself that morning and by the time I got finished mowing - even with a break where I drank a lot of water - I lost almost 3 lbs!!! It's hard to imagine that you can actually sweat out that much fluid and a really good reminder why it's so important to hydrate! Spent the rest of the day making sure I was taking in fluids.

I need to start thinking about tackling the neighbors pasture, which he lets me use for my critters. But, we're expecting rain for the next few days which is why I was in a hurry to get mine done. I'll keep that in mind for next weekend if it's not too wet. There has been rain in our forecast for the last 3 or 4 days but we've been lucky and it's mostly stayed north and east of us. Weather forecast this morning is for a rainy week again - 60% chance tomorrow. Hoping that they are wrong - again, lol!

Went out this morning and for the second day in a row the LGD was up in the front pen. I usually expect/want/need her out in the pasture with the goats but she's the one who knows what's going on outside so I trust her judgment. Now I know why. I'm missing a baby goat. Of course it's the only doe baby out of the last batch and I can't find her. I'm hoping against hope that she's doing what baby goats do and is just hiding somewhere - but I was outside for a couple hours this morning and can't find her anywhere. :( I'm about to go on an all out search.

Figs are coming in by the ton! I picked about 5 lbs yesterday. I need to do something with them. I've been dehydrating them for a couple of years now and still have some from last year. I don't really want to freeze them, but I have some in the freezer anyway. I need to investigate some sugar free preserves. But, even without added sugar they're pretty high in carbs/natural sugar.

Hmmmmm, maybe fig wine? ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I found her, I found her, I found her! She had crawled through the tiniest little hole and was in the neighbors yard. My fence is 4 x 4 and a few years back the neighbors put up rickety picket fence against mine as a visual barrier for their dogs who kept barking and barking and barking at my goats. One of their pickets was loose and the little goat slipped right through the panel and their picket and was asleep right on the other side of the fence. That problem is now solved - yay!