Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The three silkie babies are doing well and they are such sweet, chill babies! The ameraucana chicks are popping now too. I didn't expect them until tomorrow, but I guess they cooked a little fast. Oh well!

I picked up 6 big round bales this morning for only $30 apiece. SCORE! I'm tempted to go back and get some more, but I really think that'll be enough. I might try to pick up some more square bales, but I think I'll be fine even if I don't.

And - the guy I got the bales from wants a goat! So, maybe we can work out a deal. I need less mouths to feed and I'd like more hay (even if I don't really 'need' it) so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

These bucks are kicking my behind this year. I've never had these kind of escape problems when all I had was pygmies, lol. I wasn't quite prepared for a big ol' Nubian who just pops over fences when he's feeling too frustrated. I watched him clear a stock panel last night...thankfully he just ended up in another pen and not out with the girls. I've got the bucks way back in a corner now so if they get out of their pen, they've got two more pens to get through before they're loose, lol. Not sayin' they can't do it - but thankfully they haven't gotten that far yet (except for last week before I moved 'em).

Because of the two buck escapes last week I'm afraid to sell any of the doelings. Most of them are last year's early spring babies so if they are bred it won't be a tragedy - except for the one tiny little doeling that's 3/4 pygmy. I SAW her bred by a pygmy buck so I've got some lutalyse for her. I'll give it to her next weekend then sell her little troublemaking behind! She's tiny enough that she fits through a lot of the fences. If I were really on the ball I'd have her (and a friend) in a separate pen that she can't get out of - but I've been enjoying having all the gals in the pasture instead of having a lot of pens that need individual attention. Call me a lazy goat keeper this year - but I've kinda had a lot going on lately...

Ok, time to get out there on the tractor and try to move these bales somewhere.

Happy Saturday ya'll!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
LOL my big Nubian is a real Houdini, also! He's a reg mini but has obviously grown to a full sized Nubian. He was a bottle baby, so very friendly and easy to lead, etc. but I'm tired of leading him back so much. I left him in with the girls so everyone can just settle for a couple weeks....and I mean settle down as well as settle estrus wise. So, the worse thing will be those early kids. I don't like Jan/Feb births. Mr B will be put with his 3 sons (freezer meat) for winter in the back end of farm in those 6' cattle panels, where they have an 18X24 carport with wood up on 3 sides.

Good buy on those rolls. The ones I'm getting here are $65, about 800# and delivered, so not bad. In fact, great compared to squares. Generally I have not used these often but, this year they will be used for late Dec into late Feb. Like you, I still have to have squares. With so many of my mini horses in advanced age, some can only eat very soft hay and some can no longer eat it as there are no jaw teeth. So crushed beet pulp &/or Sr feeds with it. Costs more than hay but, just necessary.

I'm planning on these rolls helping cut some time for feeding and provide constant feed, like when on pasture. The older I get, the more I look for such help! I nothing else, it makes me feel better on those days when weather is bad & I want to delay going out early AM.

Do you have blue egg laying ameraucanas ? Used to have the olive eggers and really want some blue....both would be fine.
Right now, I'm just having a hard time getting my girls to lay. Most were bought young and expected mid Sept to Nov begin and I'm really ready. Apparently they are not. The nasty weather we've had of late isn't helping. May have to use light in the coop this year. Never have.

Yep, just what ya need, new hatch to watch!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had to pay more than I wanted for hay this year, but at least I have it all. I stopped feeding RPs. For me, it was a pain. I can't store them easily, plus I had to pull off the hay every day. I'd rather just go w/squares. And, normally I can get them for cheap enough. This year, because of the summer drought, I had to pay more. But if I hadn't gotten them now, I hate to think of what I'd be paying come winter!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm not sure why, but hay prices are kind of down here this year. Several times I saw hay for $4.00 a bale in the field and the guy I got my round bales from was selling his square bales for $3.00! Unfortunately, he baled the squares during the week and I couldn't get out there on a week day - especially with no help. Thankfully, he did squares first and then came back and did his round bales a couple days later so I was able to pick them up Saturday morning.

I've thought about peeling off a certain amount every day and trying to make the hay last longer - but that is a major Pain In The Bass! I just put them out and hope they last for awhile. :fl I may start separating the horses away from the bales during the day and just let them in at night. They are my biggest culprits. Besides eating a disproportionate share, they 'waller' it down and use it for a toilet too. Maybe I need to invest( or create) a hay ring... (putting that on my 'to do' list right now) Like I need more to do.

The Ameraucana hatch went pretty well. I think I may put an ad on Craigslist and see about selling some of them. I might ask $3 or $4 dollars apiece and see if I get any bites. If so, I'd be willing to hatch more. I candled the shipped Turken eggs this morning and it looks like there's maybe 8 viable eggs out of the 14 that were shipped. Actually, one was broken upon arrival so it was more like 8 out of 13. I don't know why I got a hankering for some of those ugly critters, but I want some!!

Gonna think really seriously about doing some goat breedings. I'm trying to time it for Spring Break kiddings. I think I'm going to actually, purposely breed some pygmies. A lot of my gals are getting up there in years so I might want a few replacements. Why, oh why do I do this to myself, lol?!?

Went to Mom's yesterday. o_O She is totally delusional and dad was downright creepy! He was doing so well when she was in the hospital, but he's back to putting her on a pedestal and believing everything she says and that's dangerous! And, he said some inappropriate, slightly sexual things to me that made my skin crawl. Where the he_ _ did that come from? Sigh... the next few years aren't going to be pretty...

Oh well...

Happy Holiday, ya'll!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
For the round bales....this has work for many, I've had luck with it, also. Pallet on bottom, remove strings/wraps, cattle panel around the bale, big kiddie pool tied on top -- since roll is upright. Tighten cattle panel as they eat down bale.

If you can limit access to AM/PM that sure helps -- both mess and lasting longer.

It won't stop all waste but does seem to reduce it some. Anything helps. Just a thought.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
As to actions & comments from seniors -- it's hard to remember when happening but, they just don't know, recognize, have the ability to consider anymore. You have to be like a duck with your own sensitivity (because some things are hurtful, guilt ridden, etc) -- water off your back.

But it helps us to be able to vent!!!! Do it. Then go hug that rascally goat, horse or dog.:love


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You're right about that Mini Horses.... Gotta let it slide off the back. That's the reason my brother isn't helping them anymore - he takes everything personally and can't quite understand that they really don't realize what they're doing. Thank goodness I can vent here and to my DH! Ya'll are awesome. :)

I was thinking about a panel around the round bale...thanks for verifying that it's a good idea, lol. But, I hadn't thought about the kiddie pool on top - that's perfect! Thanks for that.

DH asked me the other day if I was really sure I wanted to breed goats right now and I told him that I have to - I really, really have to. It's my sanity and I need to hold on hard to that right now! When I walk out to the barnyard nothing else is on my mind except for all the things I need to do out there. Sometimes a never ending 'to do' list is a good thing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's why I have the horses and the chickens. They keep me sane. There are so many thing that I can no longer do. God brought the horses into my life at just the right time. I don't know what I'd be like either physically or mentally w/out them.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Amen, sistah!
Mama drama is in high gear, but I'm just too pooped to dwell on it right now. I'll think about it tomorrow...:)


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
:hugs so sorry mama is acting out again or really it is still isn't it. hold on tight for the ride. and you are so right to keep on with the things that keep you sane, goats, baby chicks or whatever.
I've used the cattle panel around the hay bale thing and it works pretty good. never thought about a pool on top tho. I'm sure that would work but i bet my darn ducks would try to steal it.
hang in there kiddo, God will give you the strength to get thru this

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