Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I didn't lose anyone! I'm still not sure why not, but maybe between allll of them they kind of spread out the amounts between them. There were plenty of miserable critters, but there were a few things that worked in their favor I think. I caught it as it was happening for one thing and thankfully, they knocked over the barrels and the feed was spread in the loose dirt in the barn which might have slowed them down. Spooky - the most dominant goat - got the worst of it. She was HUGE, but even after treatment she never got diarrhea. Maybe she just looked so big because she's the furthest along in her pregnancy... A couple of the young Nubians had loose stool yesterday, but they looked fine today. I still thank God every day I walk out there and they are all still with me!

In other news - I think I've talked myself out of filling the incubator again.. I know, I know, I change my mind like I change my underwear, lol. I really want some Red Leghorns and some Turkens - so instead of hatching some chicks, I think I'll just buy some. Butchered 3 roos' the other day, but still need to send a few more off to camp.

Still waiting on the lady with the AGH's to get back with me on the price. Grrrrr, she obviously only answers emails once a day or so. You'd think if she wants to sell stuff she'd be a little more on it.

Scored on some huge chunks of cardboard to put down in the garden. My son bought new furniture and it was packed in some really heavy, really big pieces of cardboard. I snatched those up as quick as I could, lol. He was gonna burn 'em.... OMG...what a waste!

If I'm not driving all over the place looking at pigs on Sunday I'll get my tomato seeds started. Finally! The weather this week has been mocking me. It's been picture perfect and we'll hit 80 tomorrow. Eighty degrees in February - whodda thunk it?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
1/28 to 2/4 we had 70 degree which followed a snow storm:eek: and now it's 20 degree out there! I have one chicken molting and one trying to go one knows what to do. o_O
I would love to be able to start tomatoes! Don't see that happening anytime soon....just too busy breaking ice and hauling hot water to the troughs. :th

Luckily, my 3 does all kidded during the "good" weather.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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This weekend is going to be brutal, but then it should warm up. I'll be getting tomatoes, peppers, etc. started the end of the month.

Glad your goats have all recovered.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, still not sure on the pigs. I'll have to make a decision in the next few minutes or give it up until something else comes along. I had a lead on two pigs that were half pot-belly and half blue butt. It was a m/f pair and I would have gone for them yesterday except that I had to work....and guess what....they sold yesterday.

Then I found some AGH's. It is a breed that I really want, but all the guy has left is two males. Now, I could get them and hope I can find a female - (or make a trip to Virginia, lol). Or I could just wait and see what else turns up.

I'm a little hesitant to buy these males because... the guy said they are closely related which tells me they are inbred and/or linebred. Now, that in itself does not bother me - BUT - also in the same posting he says he has a mature female that is for sale because she is lame in her rear end and shouldn't be used for breeding. That's a bit of a red flag for me. If they are closely related to this female maybe I would just be buying a problem. OR I could get them and if it turns out to be a problem - they go in the freezer. ARGH - decisions, decisions!

Woke up yesterday to the smell of skunk wafting in the air. GRRRRRR.... I go outside and find that mr/ms skunk has dispatched and enjoyed a meal of one of my Lavender Orp hens. Why is it always one of the favorites that gets munched on? I set a live trap last night and caught nothing but a rat, lol. Kinda glad I didn't catch the skunk in the live trap - not sure I'm a good enough shot to have dispatched it without getting a burst of skunk perfume in the air.

Oh well...need to plan my day. Guess I'll shoot off an email to the guys with the pigs.

Happy Sunday ya'll!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What a saga I've had today looking for pigs, lol.

I missed a m/f pair of half potbelly and half bluebutt. I don't mind crossing a small male with a larger female - but really didn't want a full sized sow. But, the plan would have been to breed them and then sell or butcher the sow and raise the half-size pigs. But... day late on that deal.

Then I found two AGH's. They were both male. But, I declined those because they were 75 miles away and I really didn't want to make that drive today. Plus they were the ones that were related to the lame female.

Contacted a few other people about pigs only to find out that there must be a shortage of pigs around here because EVERY body had already sold what I was interested in.

Just on a whim I did another Craigslist search and this time I did not put "pigs" or "piglets" or "American Guinea Hogs" in the search. I simply put "hogs". Lo and behold it brought up Guinea Hogs.... wow. They are a mere 50 bucks apiece and BONUS - these folks are less than 10 miles from me!

I had told DH earlier today that it must not be meant for us to find pigs right now because things weren't working out. BUT, you know it's meant to be when in the space of 10 minutes I found these other pigs, contacted the folks, had a nice conversation and will meet them at 3:00 tomorrow. They've sold all their females, but have two males left.... so I'll probably get them both. For that price even if all I do is eat them, it'll be ok.

I still have a lead on some registered ones but they are $250 apiece. They are beautiful though... just don't want to spend that kind of money right now.

I'm excited!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds good! And maybe you'll be able to find a female for a good price as well.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Mine are not registered. Now, parents were but breeder wasn't doing the litters & the butcher didn't care :cool::p I know my males & females are not related, so I'm good for awhile. Don't plan to make this a life's work, just fill freezer & sell enough to pay feed & orig cost. Mine were $50 each, also, @ 8-10 weeks.

My neighbor called and left msg that he had a lot of turnips he'd planted in his orchard (weed control & soil loosening) that I could have if wanted. Prob 15, that's a lot. Weather has damaged a lot of top but went & got some to see who would eat them. Female AGH liked, males not so much. Goats only wanted tops. So, snow today AGAIN. May get more, will see.
Nice gesture -- would have been nicer 2 months ago...better shape for them.

BUT...all planted as broadcast seed in about a 10-15' strip, maybe 100' long. So, doesn't take much room to grow a lot of feeder matter. The tops are great, earlier. Just FYI for planting own food plots.

Hope you get your piggies!!! The are not so smelly like some of the breeds. And love attention.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo hoo! I have two pigsters! Pics to follow. Also have a good lead on some more which will include females. I may buy an adult sow with babies on the ground. Oh my - I'm about to be a pig farmer, lol!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
:lol::lol: :weee:lol: :he:th

Oh, my goodness!!! Stress makes us do "things".....:lol:

Darned CL- I told you to stay off of it!!! Does DH know about this?:hide:lol:

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