Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Been a busy-ish week so far. I went to work for a half-day Monday but came home early. Got a few things done around the needed it! Went to work Tuesday and did all my Tuesday duties...and watched it rain - ugh. Stayed home yesterday to watch a doe that was about to kid - and she did! Had two kinder bucklings around noon-ish. Yay bucklings...o_O

Taking the rest of the week off too and next week is spring break! I don't havta go back to work until the 20th! WooHoo! Shame it's so stinking MUDDY out there. And, as an added bonus we're gonna get more rain this week. I can't wait. It's ok though because I want to continue this workout routine for my legs and butt and there's nothing better than walking through ankle deep mud to do that! Had a brilliant (or not) idea a few minutes ago. Think I'm gonna go buy about a hundred bags of sakcrete (sp?) and start laying them out to make nice paths around this whole place. I can just flop 'em in the mud and they oughta set up, right? Maybe? Might be a trick to mow around 'em.

My drainage efforts a couple weeks ago are working well for the pasture area. I need to do something for the front barnyard area. Or move. Which isn't gonna happen lol!

My experiment to try and see if my soil is still damaged was a complete flop. Uh - not a complete flop because I did discover that I need new seeds. Not a single one of them sprouted....they were old. I shoulda started with fresh seeds. Learned that lesson!

Daughter and her group are coming in this afternoon and leaving tomorrow. We won't get much of a visit though. She's coming in for her grandmother's funeral. (my ex-mother in law). They have some sort of meeting at noon today - rosary tonight - and funeral tomorrow morning at 10 then they are going back home.

I have to be at my folks house at 10:30 to meet with the home health folks who are coming to have their first introductory meeting. My brother and I will both be there, which is important because my brother's memory is pretty sketchy also. Geeze, I hope I didn't inherit THAT special trait.

I'm sure while I'm gone tomorrow a couple of does will decide to kid. I hate not having due dates! I actually did have an envelope that I'd written a bunch of dates on - but I'm thinking that it got tossed. Of course as I was creating that written reminder I was erasing those dates from the notes in my phone. Note to self - NEVER erase anything out of phone! And never throw away any envelope with dates written on it. Geeze...

DH is still having eye problems but at least he's driving to work. He can't leave for work before daylight and he can't drive home after dark so I'm seeing a lot more of him. But, he's having to go in weekends and make up for lost time. I severely dislike his boss.... she actually said to him that if his eyesight didn't improve significantly there might have to be 'substantial' changes in their department. Beeee-yotch! He keeps telling her that his eyesight will improve. This has happened before so she knows this but she's not a nice person. Sigh... I hate that he goes to work every day dreading what she will say to him next. And even worse - he's accustomed to being the boss, so this is especially hard for him, lol. I told him to be careful what you wish for when he wanted out of management.

Looks like no birthing is imminent today and it's too muddy to do anything outside - so I guess I have no excuse NOT to clean house. UGh!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
:somad to your husband's boss. Um isn't that illegal? Pretty sure you can't fire someone for health issues?

It's muddy here too. Mud and ice together, actually. It's a special kind of fun. The pig pen is interesting, to say the least!

Good luck, it sounds crazy busy for a vacation!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty sure you can't fire someone for health issues?
Something like that, I'm sure. I need to do some investigating. I know at least, that they have to make reasonable accommodations for him. Maybe a magnifier for his computer screen or something... His boss IS a nurse/lawyer. Pretty sure she's never practiced law though...she's too emotional. Seriously...she's a bit of a basket case. Scuttlebutt is that she's not going to be there long... time will tell.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Yikes, she sounds lovely. Maybe she'll get fired before you use too much energy fighting her!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
I had an evil, evil co-worker and a psycho boss at my last job. I mean this co-worker was absolutely the worst person I've ever met in my life. I quit my job to stay home with my daughter a year and a half ago. 3 months after I left the evil woman was forced out of her job and had her license taken away by the state (and she was thr union president so they had something good on her!), and 3 months after that the psycho boss was fired.

I didn't outlast them, but karma got them nonetheless.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Don't use bags of sakcrete to make paths. They will not be flat and smooth, they will mounded up and lumpy. It will be a good way to trip and fall. You will be retiring and we don't want you to trip over the lumpy pathways and break a leg. :old Smooth is the way to go--so you can push your future walker around to go feed the goats. :gig


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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My in-laws actually put this on a slope as sort of a retaining wall next to their pond and it worked alright but I don't know that you would want to walk on it. Baymule is probably right about that.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
We haven't had much rain in about a month! Just some light showers here & there....keep the dust down type. So, they are predicting snow for Sunday. Yes, SNOW! :lol: Well, seems a wet front and a cold front are meeting close by. Right now, maybe flurries here but an 1" further South in NC. Crazy as it was 70s all week.

BUT off yesterday & today, so....planned work. Tractor won't start -- been an issue in past & "think" bad ignition switch, getting one today -- and riding mower didn't start because I had left key "on" :he Lots left undone yesterday. Did get a doz T-posts pounded in along a fence line. Shoulders yelled this AM at dawn but, after unloading 300# of feed, we are loosened up :th NOW -- I'm heading out to get a ton of lime to put on fields before the rain we have coming Sun thru Wed. Maybe what you have is leaving TX for VA. Want to have the lime out to get watered in because I just know that soon it WILL WARM up & grass will grow.

Well, you have does kidding --that's good! Starting with all bucklings isn't. I had 10 buck/4 doe this year. All but one doe kidded 1/17- 2/5. Last held until 2/25. Ahhhh, need to stop and talk with the guy who wanted to buy goats.

AND -- these Saaneen/Nubians bred in July....little early but, thankfully our Jan/Feb weather was way above normal temp wise. Glad it's done and hope to start milking again next week.....put off from this week. :caf

So hard to get things done when we work. It has occurred to me that I may need to consider quitting my PT work but, not a good choice yet. Besides, I will have 3 months of heavy hrs, then only 1 day week all summer. Will suck it up & feel like I have quit pretty soon....:p....without truly doing that. Gotta admit that yesterday the farm stuff really made me say "why are you still doing this???" A good night sleep mellowed me a bit.:old

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