Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Guys, I don't know where I'm moving to yet, to be honest. My brother is coming over in a few weeks to stay with me and I decided to stop house hunting for awhile and wait until he's here, so we can search together. Finding an affordable rental property (especially in Co Tipperary) with a bit of land is hard though. There are houses enough to rent, but some are too expensive, others are unsuitable, or too far away from everything, or, when I enquire, have 30 people after it already. I'm going to make some serious work of getting into a position where I can get a loan to buy a property. The market is still looking great on that front. It's just the rentals… We may end up moving to a different part of the country altogether. DS wants to go back to Co Cork. I'd love to head down there or possibly Co Kerry. We'll see… I'll keep you all posted