Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Troubleshooter gives 3 things to check. Done. Unfortunately, a burnt fuse was NOT the issue. So, back to the little key/ignition starter part. My son did show me how to jump start @ starter, thankfully. Runs just fine then, so long as you don't turn it off. LOL.
Call supplier and none on shelf -- of course!!! Will get some in, maybe Friday, probably Monday. Crap. Then, I ask cost for this fit in the palm of your hand, 2" tall little piece of GOLD..... then he says $74.80

The discussion was that once it starts spinning, it's a goner. Mine did & was, seems you said yours was spinning. Get ready to bite the bullet!!

Well, that's an hr+ trip that I don't need to do today. Headed out to get the screwdriver and jump start. We ole gals got to keep going & I have work for it today