If it would have been any other dog it would have been dead. The neighbors kids let a dog in the pasture one time and I had to run out and save it. Maddie was literally going to kill it. I had to rescue the dog and carry it out of the pasture. The only reason it lived until I got there was that it was faster than Maddie. But when she got it cornered it was on and she was NOT playing.
When I went out this morning Cowboy was in the front pen with the kids, and Maddie was on the other side of the fence where the pigs were.
The more I think about it, I really don't think Gracie was out with them all night. I think she discovered the open gate early this morning because the wound was really, really fresh. Quite possible that Maddie didn't even know Gracie was out there until the commotion started. But, Gracie would have had to go right through the pen where Cowboy was.
Wish I had seen what was going on...everything at this point is speculation.
She's a Nubian... and I milked her last year - was planning on milking her this year too as soon as I weaned her babies. Actually talked to the vet about that. Her babies are so big they practically knock her down when they nurse so weaning is on the horizon. On the other hand - I don't want her to udder up so tightly that it will stress her too. So, the plan is to relieve the pressure every day and just kinda see how it goes.
OK something similar on one of my minis...I put a tennis ball in area below fetlock and above hoof to fit into that curve, vetwrapped it and it kept the foot out. Wrapped above fetlock several inches & around hoof for a while. While it was like a stiff joint there, it kept foot in position & from wearing the skin off of the ankle and up above hoof. His was cut inside the leg, above the hock around & below. Two places became one and it took a while to heal. Couldn't stitch.. would have ripped out from tension to walk. Took a couple months to heal that cut but never was able to correctly use the lower joint to hold foot in position. So I made him a support to keep foot in line. He adapted well. Same leg as your doe!
We did all the xrays, ultrasounds, seemed it would begin to work again.....but, all else healed & you would never have known it!! Never an infection but, the fluids that didn't drain from the cut, ran down the tissue & out at the hoof corona edge....watch for that pressure release, in case. A lot of hosing, bandaging, a fantastic herbal spray, pain & ulcer prevention meds. A lot of work.
I hope your girl does well. Don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but you have some extra work there. It helps that she is smaller. You may be able to use a roll of cloth as smaller hoof/joint, vice a ball. LOL Just a thought for keeping as much working right as possible.