Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ahhh, thanks MMD....but the 'me' that existed yesterday was NOT amazing. :(

My dad has been asking about his twin brother who passed 14 months ago. Dad was too frail to attend the service which was a horrible blow to him. I was able to pull up his brother's obituary and print it off for dad. He was so appreciative. Even better.... about 4 years ago DH and I took dad to a family reunion. It was the last time he had with his twin. Thank goodness DH took a lot of pictures and had a great one of dad and his bro. We printed it off for him and he was so excited...a little sad...but so excited.

It's even more special because mom and dad lost all their pictures in the flood. We had asked mom a couple years ago to let us scan all their pics for them. She said no she didn't need us to do that. :somad I shoulda yanked those albums outta the house and scanned 'em anyway. :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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FEM, you're not amazing (or any LESS so) because you had a bad day. You're amazing because, when things get tough, you keep going, and it's not long before you find a way to pick yourself (and everyone around you) back up. We ALL have terrible, rotten, not very good days once in a while (and we are ALL terrible, rotten, not very nice people once in a while). Not everyone has the ability to turn it around. You seem to do that pretty routinely with a smile. :) LOTS of hugs for DH. I can't imagine the stress he must also be going through right now with the diabetes, job issues, eyesight, and in-laws. Gosh, he must love you a lot. :)


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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FEM, was about to ask how long your parents have been married, then I read further and you answered me :) That is love for you.

It's so sad about their pics and your dad's twin.

:hugs to all of you.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
This has been a HUGE upset for your parents, as you well know. At this stage in their life, even a trip to ER takes a little away from them and it doesn't come back. My MIL's (she's gone now) doctor told me any break in their routine robs them of a little more, leaving them a little more confused.

I am glad for their sake, and yours, that they are settling in. It will be a blow when they realize they can't go home.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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FEM, I was thinking about your Dad. You mentioned that he likes to talk about his Army days.
My dad was a Navy gunner's mate on a ship in WWII, and for one of his birthdays, my husband and I looked up his ship and printed out everything we could find out about it. Turns out that one of the guys on his ship actually kept a diary that his grandson later turned into a website. We found tons of stuff, and even pictures of my dad online that we had never seen. I doubt you'd be that lucky, but maybe you could find things from your dad's unit or where he was stationed. We took a 1" 3-ringed binder, and those plastic sleeves, and made Dad a book. Then we went to the Navy recruiter and got a Navy sticker for the front of the book. It made a great book, and the pages were protected. A local VFW or American Legion might be able to help you find more information or patches, especially if you explain that they lost everything in the flood. I know you're short on time, and have a ton to do, but maybe it is something a local boy scout group or veteran group would be willing to help with, and it would likely give your dad a great deal of pleasure. And it seems that he's still able to read...?? (Or give me the info on your Dad's military history and I'll look it up. My husband and I and our second oldest son are all military or veterans. I'd be glad to make him a book. Later you can add hand printed pages with stories your dad told you and it will be a great thing to hand down later... (Anyway, just an idea...)
For your mom, you could make a book with her favorite things... recipes? flowers? places she's traveled? pictures you have online? a family tree?

Just because you have NOTHING else to keep you busy...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Funny that you mention that MMD. My dad had a birthday in early August. DH researched the ship that he was transported on, because that's one of the experiences he likes to talk about. Then we researched the Admiral that the ship was named after. We printed and framed a pic of the ship and put all the other info into a folder. He loved it! As far as I know, it's gone now. Flood got it, but we can always re-print. One of the coolest things about dad's service was when he was in Italy. He can still speak the language! (at least the stuff that was pertinent to him at that time).

Some years back my brother did a lot of that research and has/had a lot of that memorabilia documented. I need to ask him if he still has it or if the flood got that too. He has a large safe that I think he had most of that stored in so it might still be accessible. If not - the internet is still there!

Thanks so much for the offer :hugsI think we have a lot of it or can easily get it again.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Tomorrow is DH's third surgery on his left eye.... it's the surgery to correct the previous surgery that was a side effect of the first surgery... make sense? I'm not so sure it does... :(

I really hope, hope, hope this is IT for this eye.

And, then there's the cataract in the other eye still to be dealt with. :he

Found out some things about my brother's "caregiving". Not to speak ill of him, but he's just not equipped to do this. He had made appts for the oldsters to see their doc and mom didn't want to they didn't go. Happened a second time too. So, they (he and sis in law)told mom that if she didn't go that she wouldn't be able to get refills. She didn't care (cuz she's not able to understand those concepts anymore)..therefore THEY didn't care and just let it go. THAT IS NOT OK! It's just not ok.

I got on the phone with their docs office today and told them the circumstances and that we need refills NOW! Thankfully, they did call in some of the meds dad is out of. For whatever reason though - they didn't call in the Aricept - which is the Alzheimer's medication. Also found out that this doc (who diagnosed mom with Alzheimers also) doesn't even have her on Aricept? WHAT THE HECK?

I had planned on trying to get them down there to see their original doc - but on second thought - I'm thinking of just switching them to a doc here.

Some of the does that I thought were bred because they are so darn fat are actually maybe they aren't all bred, lol. Maybe they're just fat?

Pigs are doing what pigs do in the garden area. Hope they get it ALL taken care of before spring...if they're there that long.

Nothing new and exciting except that I managed to stay at work ALLLLLL day today! My boss was thrilled. They've been so good to me through all of this.. I couldn't ask for better co-workers.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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I'll be praying that this surgery does the trick!
And I get it with your brother. One of my brothers is willing to take mom to the dr. But he drives her there and drops her off at the door and will not go in. This doesn't work! Mom gets all confused and can't remember anything the doctor says, and she'll tell the doctor anything she thinks the doctor wants to hear but will not tell the doctor what's really going on.
Ugh! That is NOT "taking mom to the doctor". :( my sister who is a nurse now lives in Oregon, and I am 900 miles south (I lived with her the last 6 years).
Anyway, glad you already did research for your dad. Praying for the surgery to go well.:hugs

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
My mom was using Excelon patches, which helped. Thankfully she had full RX coverage thru her military benefits. That one RX was over $400 a month. Of course, nothing stops it, just helps to manage it.

I agree with considering a geriatric doctor closer for now, at least. If they move back home, records can be shared with the other doctor. Appears you will be doing a lot of doctor visits with them. Sure can relate to that! At least I only had one person not two. You need to discuss some of the personal care issues as a doctor can help get some extra visits to assist with bathing, nails, etc. Get all the help you can!! Although it can be an issue if someone else needs to be there but, consider it. As far as DB -- yeah, was easier to not do anything if the elders "didn't want to". Swallow hard!!

Well, I keep thinking some of my does were bred by the belly on a couple but, there is sure a lot of tail wagging out there! I'll know in a month or two :rolleyes:. The thing I hate about breeding season is that the buck just doesn't take NO for an answer. Just doesn't believe you when you say they are done. Damned boys. :he They're all alike...goats, roos, pigs, horses. Fine if you run them together, they settle once THEY decide everyone is barefoot and pregnant.

I sure hope tomorrow's eye surgery is a total success!!!! :fl It has got to be a real stress through all this and I am certain DH would appreciate seeing again! I wouldn't be concerned with the other eye for a while. He may not be either.

:hugs for tomorrow. We'll be waiting for news.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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This doesn't work! Mom gets all confused and can't remember anything the doctor says, and she'll tell the doctor anything she thinks the doctor wants to hear but will not tell the doctor what's really going on.
That is my mom! She is of the generation where you don't admit anything is wrong...absolutely nothing...all is perfect. NOT!

My brother has tried and I give him kudos for that. He's just not psychologically equipped for this. He was disabled at a fairly early age and he's just never learned how to deal with society as a whole. He would be a hermit/recluse if he could get away with it. But, thankfully his sweet wife keeps him somewhat grounded.

Families... ya just gotta play the hand that is dealt ya.

Well, I keep thinking some of my does were bred by the belly on a couple but, there is sure a lot of tail wagging out there!
The same here! My does usually are NOT fat... these gal are borderline obese which of course made me wonder....along with knowing there has been a buck out a couple months ago. Ehhhh, bucks keep ya real on fencing, right, lol!

I'm sitting here eating one gingersnap cookie after the next. What's up with that? Actually they go fairly well with a nice cab, lol!

Need to get to bed.. .early morning tomorrow.

Thanks for all the well-wishes!