Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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That's so true. Glad to report they've had a good day today. Much, much calmer. Seems like any new thing brings them stress - even new socks.

Dad has been saying for several days now that he wants to cook us a brisket this weekend. Very kind offer, but well beyond his capabilities these days. Soooo, I bought a big ol' brisket and I'm thinking about putting it in the oven real low tonight and then putting it on the grill to finish it off tomorrow. It'll get nice and smoky that way and I think it'll be good.

My son came and borrowed the tractor today. When he brought it home he hooked up the mower and mowed the pasture! Whoopie! Then he put the hay fork back on so I'm all set to move round bales whenever I need to. So glad he did that - I have terrible trouble hooking and unhooking the mower...ugh!

Only one negative today. My "senior sitter" called me this morning. They have had a death in the family and she's going to be out of town for several days. I have no idea what to do with the oldsters. I've already missed a lot of work with them and I still need to get them to the doc one day so that'll be more time out of the office for me. Still not sure what I'm gonna do... Only have one day to figure it out.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
whoa -- not good for anyone. Is DH working each day? Is bro available for a couple days? Other in home care?
I'm sure you will work it out but, always a hassle (esp with the stress of any change).

Hooray for mowing job!!!!! And especially for the darned bush hog connect/disconnect...brutal piece of equipment.:he


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DH is a contract worker so he could theoretically take off and stay with them....but no work = no pay for him. And, he's missed quite a bit of work lately with his own health issues. I suppose I could give him the sitter rate if he stayed with them - but that seems smarmy to me. Just doesn't feel right to take their money for their care. (Of course I use their money to pay the sitter.) My brother is out of the question - he's over an hour away and dealing with both houses. I couldn't ask him to drive up here every day for that. AND - he and dad fight like little kids if they're in the same room more than 5 minutes.

Dad: I want my guns back.
Bro: You're not getting 'em.
Dad: If I could get out of this chair I'd whup your a$$.
Bro: (gets close to dad) Go ahead and hit me if it'll make you feel better.

It's ridiculous!

It's hard to even remember that they were living totally on their own just a few weeks ago when they were at their home. Mom seems to think they could stay by themselves - in fact she was a little offended that I thought they couldn't. My job is only 10 minutes away. I suppose I could just come home a couple times during the day and check on them. I don't really like that idea....not sure why because I do leave them inside alone while I go outside to do chores. Still a conundrum for me. No matter what I do this does bring home the fact that I need a back-up plan in case this happens again.

The good news of the morning is that Cowboy was NOT roaming when I got up this morning!

Got lots to do so I better get up and get moving!

Happy Sunday!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Sigh... So sorry. Have you gotten them a doctor near you get? Would they qualify for visiting nurses or anyone to come check on them during the day? How's everything going with their house?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've got a doc picked out for them and will have their records transferred Monday - at least that was the plan. I had them fax me the release of records form and I've got 'em filled out. They are on my desk at work - ready to fax as soon as I made their appt. Couldn't do it Friday cuz I was off - couldn't do it Thursday because I didn't have their insurance cards with me. Sooooo - I've got everything ready to just do it and I might not even be there to get 'er done. But,if I have to take off a few days I'll definitely try to get their appts during that time. I'm sure I can get a co-worker to fax in the release of record forms for me.

We do have home health for them. They've already been out here once and "instructed" me to get them an appt. It's just not that easy when you have folks with no ID! I've got enough ID on dad...his drivers license and his Veterans ID....I've got nothing on mom. I need to check with my brother and see if they've found any type of ID on mom. As best I recall - she threw away her DL a few years ago, in a fit of rage, when she was no longer allowed to drive. Geeze...

Even seemingly simple things become a process these days. No such thing as simple anymore...sigh.

Just pulled some banana/bran muffins outta the oven and put some turkey bacon in. Among other things they have unique diet requests, lol. They don't care much for pork - and I live on pork. Sometimes I end up cooking separate meals. Trying this morning to cook some breakfast items that will work for a few days. Muffins and an entire pkg of bacon so that when they're hungry it'll be a quick process to get them something to eat. Sometimes ya just gotta feed 'em between naps, lol.

I picked up some tarps the other day to cover the hay with. Do ya think I've done it yet - nope. Gotta get it done. Have to find a place for the dogs to eat that the hogs can't get into. I was feeding the dogs in the trailer until I saw that big fat boar hop right up in there like it was nothing... I was wondering why the dog food was disappearing so fast. Usually they like to nibble and a huge bucket of feed will last 'em 24 hours. Guess I should try to get the male pigs separated again...and probably watch 'em uproot the fence again, lol. Maybe Big Daddy should be the next one in the freezer - he's SOOO strong. But, he's the only boar I have that isn't related to the girls, so he'll probably live a long lazy life here. Or, I could just stop breeding and buy a feeder or two a year. Decisions, decisions. But, I like the AGH's... they're much more chill than the average feeder.

Break over - back outside into the heat/humidity hell that is our weather these days!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Oh dear, that is a process! I've never had to show ID for an appointment though. Maybe that's a NH thing? I guess anyone with my info could pretend to be me, lol.

I have chosen my keeper pig based on temperament, and don't worry, there are chill full size hogs! You just have to be selective about breed and who you get them from. My gilt is awesome, her mother is awesome. In case you decide to quit breeding, I have to give a pitch to the full sizers!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I guess anyone with my info could pretend to be me, lol.

Insurance fraud...whaddya do? I think that's why they request it here - at least for first visits. At DH's eye doc - they don't ask anymore, lol. They know us by name when we walk in. That's sad... :(

I've had bad feeders, good feeders and some that were just crazy, lol. We had a Duroc gilt that my son raised for the fair - that was one CRAZY pig! She would run towards you with her mouth open and snarling like a rabid dog (or rabid pig!) She tasted good, lol. Had a hamp barrow that was the sweetest thing kids would ride him around the yard or lay down and use him for a pillow. The last two feeders we had before the AGH's were fine...very laid back. They were hamp crosses. We had a couple crazy, wild feral pigs that tried to kill me and probably would have if it weren't for the LGD I had at the time - and then we've got these guys. I'm happy with them, but if I didn't have them I'd get some feeders somewhere and hope for the best or carry a big stick, lol! I really like your gal and know she must be a good girl for you to keep her. I betcha she raises some good piggies for you. Good personalities sure do run in families.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
:celebrate Brain Fart -- have you considered a couple house surveillance cams??? They can be seen on your computer or phone....Then, if you feel you need to get there, go! Some have sound, also. You can always use them later for kiddings, etc. :caf

You may have some from the barn....I do :hide

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