Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Brother did a turn around today after I told him I wanted to sign over dad's truck to him, lol. Easily bribed and he was gonna get the truck anyway.

I drank a moth a minute ago - little sucker dive bombed my wine when I wasn't looking... argh...they dry out your mouth something fierce! Just yuck!

Oh...and a really good thing happened today... BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEED catalog came in! Whoop!
Smh at your brother, but glad he's on board now. Eew on the moth :sick I have to watch my wine closely in the evenings here too. We have these tiny little buggers that loves falling into the glass when I'm not looking. I didn't drink one yet, but came close a few times!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Smh at your brother, but glad he's on board now.

He's being nice as sugar candy right now. :) I'm ok with that.

It has been a DAY! I want to sign over the oldsters truck to my brother. That requires a title. Guess what - the title was flooded and is gone. Gone. GONE! So I get ready to apply for the lost title. I get online and find out the requirements. Gotta have picture ID's for both parents. Mom doesn't have one. Have to find a way to get one....can't take her to a DMV place and sit for hours waiting. Called the DMV and they tell me that DPS has a program where they will come to handicapped/immobile person's home and make the ID. Never heard that, so I'll investigate a little further. They run the vin number and tell me that this 2006 truck that they paid off the first year the owned it shows that it has a lein on it. Guess what else? They won't tell me over the phone WHO the lienholder is. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I have to get both photo ID's, the POA's for both parents and show up in person at their office north west of Houston to even find out who the lienholder is. Then I have to get a release of lien before I can even apply for the title. So, gotta get a photo Id - find out the lienholder - get the release - apply for title and cross my fingers. GRRRR

But - there might be a glimmer of hope in another area. The realtor called this morning. He hasn't even listed the house yet - and he showed it this morning. AND!!!!! The people love it and he thinks they might make an offer. :fl:fl:fl:fl
They weren't planning on looking for a house until after the holidays so they're scrambling to get pre-approved before the listing goes live. That would sure be one big hurdle out of the way!

It's cold and wet and I spent a couple hours outside tonight moving the bucks out of their swamp and into the little barn. The milker's WERE in the little barn but now they're kicked out to pasture. Tonight I milked for the last time and out of three does I got 1 quart of milk, lol. Now - it's because I didn't feed them this morning but it was pouring rain and I opted out. I figure this is their way of telling me they're done! I can't say I'll miss it too much - but I'll miss the milk.
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NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
That would be fantastic if the house sold so quickly! I hope it works out for you! And seriously? On the truck... That's obnoxious.

How's breeding going? How many have you bred? Taking a break from milking will be nice, did you put any in the freezer?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope the house sells quick! That is crazy about the truck.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Totally ridiculousness on the whole truck thing. I'd say just forget it, but it is something that we will have to handle at some point or another...might as well add it to my 'to do' list now.

How's breeding going?

Heck if I know, lol. I only arranged two breedings (that I remember) and not sure one of them took - so I really, truly don't know. I had a couple buck escapes early in the rut....and some of the does are getting a nice belly but that's really all I have to go on right now. I hate feeding this many does through the winter if I don't even know they're bred or not....but I won't sell them until/if I know for sure. And, the ones that are bred need the feed. I've got my very oldest doe put in a private pen and am pampering her a little "just in case." I really don't want her to be bred...

Taking a break from milking will be nice, did you put any in the freezer?

I do have lots of milk in the freezer, but it probably won't last until we have does in milk again...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Weather forecast:



Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Breeding goats -- I'm with you -- some are expBosed, others not. :idunno :lol: :hu Need to get them bred to have milk & kids to sell. Right now, not milking and considering just turning the buck in with them!!! Have at it. :hide

That weather looks like ours for tonight thru Sat. I expect drizzle, some flurries that will melt as they hit the ground, or last an hr or so. In general, just a messy front. But, I have demos today thru Sun, inside work & not much time for more than chores, at home.

So, this morning, trying to get coffee before going out to chores, I hear a loud vehicle -- in my drive?? Yep, DS has decided he will "honor me" with his little repair work time. o_Oo_O Been asking him to remove and install some new metal trim (damaged in storms, etc.) for a long time. Guess my straw was drawn, so here he is!!! unannounced. He did replace 4 strips, removed another & rotted wood to be replaced (I've been TELLING him!!) No time for that this AM but, will be back in couple days as he's working me in between jobs & no date known, he is waiting for inspector at working job, etc. He DID look at the things I needed fixed --- some porch rails, etc. no biggie for him, he builds houses --- and advised I'd be home Mon-Wed, pls come then! :idunno:caf Thankful he did what he did, need rest done ASAP, so I can get it painted where needed, before winter. Let's get this straight, he owes me BIG TIME for loans & assists I have given him past couple yrs!! I have no shame in asking him to do these things. PLUS, I need a little shed put up, material all here. 1/2 day for him...a few days for me. Dealing with him makes the goats seem like a walk in the park!! :rant He's very talented:cool: but, a real challenge for "payback".

Monday is "take it to the dump" day here. Butcher roosters day. Will change list if son shows:hide
Guess it's like relationship you & your DB have -- be prepared for anything at any time! :rolleyes:

Life is a balancing act. Tightrope walker added to resume. :lol: