And just because my life cannot be drama free...DH had an appt. with his endocrinologist last week. Test results show that his kidneys are showing damage - he's spilling protein in his urine. Thankfully, the damage isn't to the critical stage yet. If he will commit to actually taking much better care of himself he might stave off full-blown kidney disease for awhile. I didn't exactly say "I told you so" but I have to say I'm not surprised.
So, I will - AGAIN - implement healthy habits into our lifestyle and see if he can stick with them for more than a few days.
Hopefully, my garden plans will play a big part. He needs to cut back on protein in his diet - not easy for a confirmed meat eater. But, it has to be done. Hoping for a REALLY good garden this year!
I agree! Should we title it simply "Healthy Eating" or "How Stupid are Men?"Hey we should start a thread about this - I want to do the same thing.