Conan is a cutie. Glad that your shoulder is doing better, hope it heals up and you can avoid surgery. But if you do have to have surgery, be sure to do your therapy!
@baymule - this shouldn't require surgery since it's tendonitis...not really the actual joint itself. I'm already doing the exercises that I did when I got PT a couple years ago and I expect that I'll be right as rain in few more weeks.
WooHoo! I think spring is trying to get a foothold - yay for that! Trees are all budding out. Lemon trees, fig trees, elm trees in the front yard are all hinting at green. I especially trust the pecan trees though - and those aren't leafing up yet. I don't think it will be long.
Pleased that the chickens are getting back to work - but - I've got an egg eater. I HATE that. I've caught her twice in a nest box with a dirty face and egg remnants scattered around. Not quite sure what to do about that other than culling her. I guess I could pen her away from the other chickens, maybe give her more feed. She's a Faverolle hen and they are rather timid - maybe she's not getting equal time at the feeder and is supplementing her own diet with eggs....Whatever it is, it's not making me happy.
But, on the other hand the quail are really kicking in to gear. I went out early this morning to check on the two FF's who refuse to kid and there were already 3 eggs in the quail pen. I picked up three eggs yesterday evening out of that same pen so they had to have laid those before sunrise this morning. Yay quail. As soon as I start getting a steady supply I'll get another hatch going. Excited about that!
On the work front - three more days with our old boss....she and I have worked together since the day this program started 15 years ago. It's a bit of a bitter sweet event that she's moving on. But, she's staying on campus just transitioning into a new position. She's young enough that she's a climber, and she'll do well.
It will be interesting to see who replaces her. My other co-worker and I aren't sure if we want someone with a background in what we do here - or if we want a baby that we can train OUR way, lol. Time will tell I guess.
DH is headed back to work today - yay on that! And, the paycheck that will come with it is a good thing too. Six weeks off worked well for his health/eye issues - not so much for the bank account, lol. But we knew it was coming so we were prepared for that.
I have 4 does bred, actually that's enough this year -- even though some less to sell ($$) I can live with that. My chickens have been increasing egg laying and size for the young ones is now really good, in short time. I have a hen who will eat eggs, too, Hate it!! It's narrowed down to two who look almost identical...I have a lot of black hens! Will have to pen both and watch. Then cull or rehome. Otherwise, all status quo a drizzly rain past 5 days. So it goes.
GLAD DH can see better. GLAD you went to the cute Dr and got some meds. Now, you do need to actually DO the PT -- home or otherwise -- because lifting bags of feed is not the PT they want and you know it!! No issues with the folks, it seems. GOOD!!
Timing is everything.... geeze. Tomorrow is the day we're supposed to take our boss out to lunch and throw her a big ol' going way party. I think at least one of my goats will kid tomorrow. Not one of the FF's I've got put up - but one of my ol' reliable does. The one that I just stopped milking in December, lol. Her udder blew up today so I've got her put up with the younger does. She'll likely kid tomorrow. I hate to go off and leave a doe that I know is about to kid - but she's an old hand at this...I think this will be her 3rd... or more likely 4th kidding. I'll check her again later tonight and again in the morning and decide what to do...stay home with her or go to work and do the 'going away' thing. Grrrrr!
Went out early this morning and checked on the girls. I came to work with trepidation! I expect I'll have at least one batch of babies when I get home. I might try to find a way to sneak home for a check early this afternoon. Cocoa should be fine - she's done it before and she can do it again. The two FF's...I dunno. One of 'em has a bigger udder this morning but I can still feel (barely) her ligaments. I've had FF's lose their ligaments and be in labor an hour later so I'm not at ease about them being alone. The other one I think will hold out for another day or so... Biting my fingernails - just doesn't feel right to leave them untended - but sometimes ya gotta make choices!
No babies! Yay! I was so worried all day long, but got here and nuttin' but nuttin' going on. Cocoa's udder is HUGE! Her daughter, CocoPuff, who is one of the FF's, has her udder running half way up her belly. I hope that doesn't mean she will have lots of edema and be hard to get flowing... ugh. But, at least there's no pocket in her front attachment. The other little gal, Shadow, is about the same. Might be a long night or might be that I'll be worrying about them all day tomorrow.