I spent about 15 minutes and a whole bottle of Safflower oil getting him loose from that sticky trap! I swore to him that if he bit me I'd stomp on his head! He was a good little snake.... thank goodness!
Yep, in the house. No holes in the house, but the weather stripping under the door needs to be replaced. I've seen lizards come in from under the front door. Think that was the point of entry for this guy too. Had the sticky trap out cuz I saw a big ol' spider run under DH's desk the other day. Didn't have any idea we'd catch a snake!
He was about 18 inches long when I got him unstuck...and he wasn't in a real good mood, lol. Silly thing opened his mouth and threatened me while I was trying to get him unstuck. I couldn't stand to kill him - it was just a baby rat snake. Totally non-venomous, but with a totally bad temper!
WOW -- I'd be startled too. Uh, you turned him loose? You do realize those little ones grow to 5 or 6 feet in a quick fashion? They eat your eggs? They eat a LOT of eggs? Good thing he lived in TX and not here on my VA farm. This is a RIP area. Yeah, yeah, preserve wildlife and all that -- I will do that if the wildlife stay away from my barns & coops. They are off limits!
Then, saw on another thread you are "thinking" about a cream separator. IF you want the concentrated from your goat milk, you know that is how to get it. For me I want to make butter and while I truly want cow cream, raw in VA is a no-no, I don't want a herd share & so on. Plus ice cream is better with extra cream Most cheese yields more with extra cream...etc. Yeah, you can buy a LOT of butter for the cost. But it was a step up for my hard cheese wanna-do and this deal all came together so amazingly & unexpectedly! I do have customers asking to buy cheese. We'll see how it goes. Hard cheeses are a long waiting process. Soft ones, quick and they are delish. Gifted portions created the questions to buy more.
So -- watch for that "for sale" on CL Yes, enabler. This year I hope to be able to also purchase a milker like you have. Still have the site on my FAV listing LOL.
Today is my only day off in past 9 and only one in next 8.... I'm relaxing for couple hrs. Then farm work to do!! Will check out the brood pen, in case I buy meat chicks. I have to stop thinking about the "results" of this good food and concentrate on the work to get there first!!!!! THAT is the problem we have
I know! I caught a big one a couple years ago and took him for a ride. That's my good neighbor - he's about 6'4".
I don't mind a snake in the barn if they eat mice and rats. Once they start eating eggs they get an eviction notice for sure. Generally, the only snakes I kill are the venomous variety.
The snake pictured is probably the baby's mama, lol!
You all wonder why I live in NH? That... Is a big part of the reason! Lol, I've only ever seen garter snakes. Teeny tiny little things that pose zero danger to me or anything on the farm!