Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Today was a whole bunch better than yesterday. I worked outside - my friend worked inside - it's all good. I got some electric put up as the beginning of a boar pen. It's not going exactly the way I want it to so I might reconsider a few things and try to finish up tomorrow. Mostly just trying to figure out a gate...I want one that opens to the pasture so I don't have to bring 'em in to the barnyard to access the gate that's already there. So, I guess I'll be arranging a gate that opens to the pasture, lol.

Conan has been in the pasture for 3 days now and a butt load of does are in heat. He doesn't know which one to woo first. I was beginning to think he didn't know what to do so I stood there and watched for about 20 minutes and by golly he actually got it! Saw him breed a doe and actually finish the deed. Go Conan!

Brought the pygmy doe in so he doesn't tap that.

Got a sow moved cuz she looks like she's about to pop. Sad to say that the entire litter born last week disappeared! I had her on the other side of the pasture where the dogs don't go and they disappeared. That happened once before so I'm re-arranging that situation too. Not that I need a couple dozen new piglets, but I can't stand to think that they're bobcat bait...:(

Got a pic of Conan today.


So he's as big as the 18 month old Nubi's but not as big as Red or Dusty...about the same height as the Kinder buck, but probably only about 2/3rds the weight - if that much.

Got a pork loin in the oven that's smelling mighty good right now. Gonna go stuff my face!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We just topped a hill, almost home, and there was a HERD of wild hogs! On both sides of the road and in the middle. Must have been 30 of them. DH slammed on the brakes, dunno how we didn’t hit any. SO glad we have this place well fenced and they stay out.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Must have been 30 of them.

Wow -- we all know that group can till a pasture faster than you can count them!!! :ep

FEM, I don't think Conan is as "small" as you first described him. He'll fill out after rut... not before :lol: Know you expected more soon but -- :idunno Mainly, his kids are what you want to grow big & fast. Right? Let's hope. I'm still sold on Boer for size and fast growth. That will be my next buck.

The pork loin sounds great! Hey, I think I smelled it earlier :rolleyes:

So, by the way, leftover goat stew was good. :cool: I let the rest of the meat sit on ice 2 more days before packaging. Hope it will have helped with aging process. But, taste is very good. Next one goes to butcher, comes home wrapped! :old


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
HERD of wild hogs! On both sides of the road and in the middle. Must have been 30 of them.
Dang - free pork! Ya shoulda aimed at some of 'em! But, seriously - glad you didn't collide with 'em - wouldn't be a good situation.

I've gotta admit that the pic of Conan is VERY flattering - or I wasn't giving him enough credit. Even though that's a pretty god pic of him - it doesn't change his narrow, cow-hocked rear end. Oh well, if he gives me more parasite resistant kids I'll think it's a good trade. It's not like I'm showing goats anymore.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Today was a whole bunch better than yesterday. I worked outside - my friend worked inside - it's all good. I got some electric put up as the beginning of a boar pen. It's not going exactly the way I want it to so I might reconsider a few things and try to finish up tomorrow. Mostly just trying to figure out a gate...I want one that opens to the pasture so I don't have to bring 'em in to the barnyard to access the gate that's already there. So, I guess I'll be arranging a gate that opens to the pasture, lol.

Conan has been in the pasture for 3 days now and a butt load of does are in heat. He doesn't know which one to woo first. I was beginning to think he didn't know what to do so I stood there and watched for about 20 minutes and by golly he actually got it! Saw him breed a doe and actually finish the deed. Go Conan!

Brought the pygmy doe in so he doesn't tap that.

Got a sow moved cuz she looks like she's about to pop. Sad to say that the entire litter born last week disappeared! I had her on the other side of the pasture where the dogs don't go and they disappeared. That happened once before so I'm re-arranging that situation too. Not that I need a couple dozen new piglets, but I can't stand to think that they're bobcat bait...:(

Got a pic of Conan today.

View attachment 8673

So he's as big as the 18 month old Nubi's but not as big as Red or Dusty...about the same height as the Kinder buck, but probably only about 2/3rds the weight - if that much.

Got a pork loin in the oven that's smelling mighty good right now. Gonna go stuff my face!

I know nothing about goats but whatever you do please do not dye those white spots pink.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
I love the spots, I have a thing for them lol. Too bad I don't love Nubians!

I think Conan looks fine. He's got shinny little legs, but decently solid in that pic. Kikos are kind of funny looking anyway, not big old chunky meat goats like boers. I always wondered where all the meat was on them, lol. I read up on kikos one day and remember reading that a lot of people aren't breeding for conformation, so probably a lot of wonky shaped ones lol! Parasite resistance definitely wins out!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
This was his daddy! A rather impressive looking guy, I think! Just hope Conan can get close to that. I can't help it though - I look at all goats from a conformation standpoint and poor Conan definitely has a deficit! I'm trying to remember that he's here for his parasite resistance!


(photo credit to Stephen's Kiko Goats) Conan's breeder.

Probably going to leave him with the girls until tomorrow then bring him back in. He's not gonna be a happy boy. He's working himself to death trying to keep "his" does away from the other bucks pen. I hope he's not spending more time herding than breeding. Silly boy!

Got lots of stuff to do today...just like every day. Now that the mud is a bit more solid I can pick up those bits of lumber in the mud that WERE in a little pile to be burned before all the rain a few weeks ago. There's always clean-up work to be done. Put something one place and a couple days later it's no where to be found. My neighbor has a little shooting spot on his side of the pasture. He has a wooden stand built that he can put sandbags on and sight in his rifle before shooting season every year. He also had a little metal bar stool out there. Just a seat and legs. Didn't see it happen, but it ended up in my front pasture. I have a feeling a goat wore it around their neck for awhile one day, lol. I woulda loved to see THAT! Really glad that it ended with no broken neck!

I know nothing about goats but whatever you do please do not dye those white spots pink.
Nah! We keep our goats "au naturale" around here, lol!
I love the spots, I have a thing for them lol. Too bad I don't love Nubians!
I like 'em too! Maybe you could get a spotted Nigi buck....or even a Mini? Or a spotty sheep?

Need another cuppa coffee and get busy.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Lol that would have been quite the sight! Always getting into trouble! Conan's dad is lovely. Conan kinda looks more like the doe in that pic lol. But, I imagine he'll fill out. A lot of bucks really fill out that second year it seems.

Meh I think I'm done being a goat lady, sad to say. But I've seen some cool spotted Shetlands and if I get real adventurous there's always Jacob sheep ( but the horns, omg! )


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
FEM is it drizzly down there? It is here and just enough to make outside icky. I like it to either rain or not, this wishy-washy stuff is a pain in the butt.