Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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I looked at and considered the ski pants at Aldi. They are so cheap there and can only be a step up from jeans when it's snowing or raining and I need to be outside. Shoes I'm still looking for. NON-slippery soles and waterproof is top of the list. The pair I'm currently running around in is terrible when it's wet underfoot.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Can't wait to hear what you buy yourself tomorrow.:caf
Me too!!

Wasn't supposed to freeze where I am last night - too close to the coast they said. Somebody want to explain why water got solid last night if we didn't freeze? Saw thin sheets of ice on the water buckets this morning. No freeze, huh?

Had a pig in my back yard when I woke up. That was interesting - liked to have scared the life outta me! Black pigs are hard to see in the dark and when they start grunting at you and you don't expect 'em - my brain told me it coulda been any kind of monster, lol! Gracie wasn't happy about it either. AND, she's quite annoyed that pigs don't run from you the way goats do. In fact, when she nipped this guy on the butt he turned around and tried to nip her back. She looked at me like...."MOM! He's not playing fair" Much easier to move these guys with a gentle "come on buddy - lets get you back where you belong." Can't really blame him though - the place he bunked down last night was much better than his pen. He found the stack of feed bags waiting to be burned and just burrowed right down in 'em. This pig is not stupid! But, his brother might be - even though he's better behaved and stayed in his pen last night. Hmmmm - which one to eat first?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
To do my chores this morning I put on my flannel lined jeans. I LOVE them! We walked into a discount seconds type outlet store last year, and there was a rack of Cabela's flannel lined jeans for SIX DOLLARS!!!! I got 3 pair. Anyhoo, I put them on, a long sleeve T-shirt, flannel shirt, sweat hoodie and Carhart overalls. Cold? What cold? :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Cowboy, Cowboy, Cowboy...he made a really big mistake tonight. I was feeding the goats and he loves him some goat feed. I have a little alley built in the barn where I can toss the feed in their feeders that hang on the fence. He snuck into this little alley way and I found him with his face buried in the goat feeders, growling at the goats and threatening them so he could eat their feed. I smacked him with the plastic feed scoop and this big ol' dumb A$$ growled at me. I snatched him up by the collar and took him outside where I'd have room to move and we had ourselves a come to Jesus meeting. Let me tell you... he learned a really good lesson.

He found himself on the ground with me standing astraddle (is that a word?) him holding him prone. He even peed a little, lol. It gave me great satisfaction to make him pee himself. When I finally let him up he couldn't love on me enough. He was walking around with his head hanging down, tail down, and just looking like a whupped puppy. I'm not sure he knew it was me that smacked him at first, but when he turned around and saw me he shoulda ceased and desisted. Stoopid dog! You growl at/around me you're gonna catch hell! I will say that he's always been a "back-talker" and has never threatened to bite...but I will not tolerate it. Need to get back on the path to getting him snipped. Maybe while I'm off over Christmas break...

Moved the trouble making pig and his brother to a new pen tonight. I think it'll be a better spot for ' least until they tear that one up, lol.

DD and fam are coming in for T'Giving. They both have to work all day Wednesday so they're not coming until Thursday afternoon. We'll have a simple kinda meal that night and celebrate on Saturday with DS and his wife. That leaves Friday open....and if the weather stays good :fl we'll butcher one of the pigs. Looking forward to that! I need some of these guys offa the feed bill!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
He found himself on the ground with me standing astraddle (is that a word?) him holding him prone. He even peed a little, lol. It gave me great satisfaction to make him pee himself. When I finally let him up he couldn't love on me enough. He was walking around with his head hanging down, tail down, and just looking like a whupped puppy. I'm not sure he knew it was me that smacked him at first, but when he turned around and saw me he shoulda ceased and desisted. Stoopid dog! You growl at/around me you're gonna catch hell! I will say that he's always been a "back-talker" and has never threatened to bite...but I will not tolerate it. Need to get back on the path to getting him snipped. Maybe while I'm off over Christmas break...

Gasp! Laughing! Guffaw! I really did bust out laughing and had to read it to my husband. He got tickled too. We know all about those come to Jesus meetings! I am in awe of you FEM.....I have put the fear of Big Momma Bear in the dogs, but haven't made them pee themselves. :lol:

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