Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Whoop, whoop! I don't go back to work until Tuesday! I'm so excited. Maybe I can kinda, sorta get caught up now!

I've been going in circles lately.... we're getting a good 2 dozen eggs a day and they all have to be cleaned and put away... I'm getting squash and green beans every day now. I put some green beans in the dehydrator last night, and I'll do another batch this evening or tomorrow morning probably. I need to blanch and freeze some of the squash, but only after I make a big ol' pot of squash soup this weekend. The Rattlesnake pole beans are cranking up and I'll probably be picking them in a day or so AND I saw some jalapeno peppers peeking out of the foliage yesterday. There were blooms on the potato plants the other day so it won't be too much longer for them. And, I've got lots of little green tomatoes - just no ripe ones yet. I started to say no 'red' ones yet, but I've got lots of purple, black orange and pink tomatoes planted along with the red ones... Anxious to see how those work out.

We've got 8 goat kids and a broody hatched 4 faverolle eggs a day or so ago. A friend gave me 11 guinea eggs that I slipped under another broody. I have no idea when to expect those, cuz the guinea hen has been brooding them but my friend didn't know for how long. The same friend has a Pygmy buck for me that's almost weaning age. I gave her a show quality doe about 6 months ago in exchange for a future buck. I don't mind doing that cuz it keeps my herd name out in the show world and I still sell a show prospect (for mo' money!) occasionally.

In addition to all that - I've got about 4 or 5 dozen eggs in the incbator.... what was I thinking?

I'm going to take down a temporary fence we put around the raised beds in the back yard. Since the Westies are now living in luxury prison I don't have to worry about them digging in there aymore. It'll look much nicer without the fence around it and it'll be lots easier to mow.

In a couple weeks I should have the new cover built over the back porch. My back porch is on the north west side of the house and it gets HOT, HOT, HOT out here in the afternoon. I had a guy from work, who does construction on the side, come out and give me a bid. I got the bid yesterday and it was, thankfully, $200 dollars under our limit! I'm so excited! It'll be a metal roof, but it's going to be insulated and finished off with bead board underneath. He's also going to put in electrical so we can hang a minimum of 3 ceiling fans out there. This is somethig I've wanted to do for 20 years and I just can't WAIT!

I've been milking the girls semi-regulary but not drinking the milk yet. I just don't like the taste until a while after they kid. The dogs don't seem to care though, so they've been loving it.

I need to mow the yard, and then get out to the garden and do some more mulching... I'm so tired of weeds already. Mulch, mulch, mulch - I think about it in my sleep!

Guess I better get going. Pretty hot out there, but at least riding the mower doesn't take too much out of me...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like you've been very busy! After reading all of that, I'm ready to go to bed! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Poor Red - she had triplets Sunday and all three of 'em have been trying to nurse one side of her I've been milking that side. A couple days ago they finally figured out that she has two faucets and were nursing the other at last night's feeding I wondered why that side of her udder was huge again..... Dang....she's got two wounds on her bag. They're not huge, and they're only skin deep (thank goodness) but they're sore and now she's not letting the babies nurse on that side. The larger her bag gets, the more sore the wounds are so now I guess I get to do multiple milkings per day to try and keep her bag from blowing up and putting more pressure on the wounds. Poor darlin'...

More of the same on the agenda today. I've got to finish mulching the garden, but there's no way I'll get it all done today. I spent hour after hour yesterday and while I made progress, I didn't get finished. I use hay for mulch, but that has to be replenished every couple weeks or so. In several places I'm putting feed sacks down and hay on top of the sacks. It lasts longer that way but I'm running out of feed sacks and we don't take the Sunday paper anymore. Technically, I do have plenty of sacks, but most of 'em are not pure paper - they're plasticized and I'm afraid to use that in the garden. They'd probably keep the weeds down pretty well, but they won't break down like paper would. Hmmmm, maybe that's not a bad idea really???? I wouldn't have to keep replacing them that way. I dunno.... need to think about that one.

I've seriously got to get some squash in the freezer. I put more green beans in the dehydrator yesterday - need to go get them out this morning and start another batch. It would be easy to just slice the squash up ad freeze it, but I usually do the whole blanching and cooling thing. I've done it both ways and if we eat the frozen squash pretty quickly I don't notice a big difference. But, if we eat it after more than a few months of being frozen - the blanched stuff is noticeably better... IMO. So, tht's on the agenda for the middle of the day today when it get too hot outside to do anything else.

Heat index yesterday was 97... I must have sweated a couple of gallons. Lots of water, coconut water and gatorade zero are on the agenda again today.

Guess I better get started while I still have a little bit of milder temps.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Something you can try for the garden, especially between the rows. Go into a local store and see if they'll let you have some old (plain, brown corrugated) cardboard boxes. Then, break them apart and put them down and put your hay over the top. I'll be doing that myself, just haven't had the time.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks for reminding me of that, Deb! I have some cardboard boxes around here somewhere. I think I used up all my feed bags today. I got lots done, but I've still got lots more to do. Picked another lb of green beans and a few more squash. My neighbors gave me some peppers. Mine are starting, but not really producing much yet. AND, I hear chicksters in the incubator.... dontcha just love spring?

Had a lady call me today and wants two baby pygmy goats. I told her I don't have any purebred pygmy babies right now, that what I have are crosses with Nubians... she doesn't care. So, she's coming by on Wednesday evening to look at them. I didn't really want to sell two females, but hey, cash talks!

Got baby chicken soup on the stove right now - with some home grow squash and green beans in the mix. It smells soooo good right now. I worked my patootey off today, so I'm lookin forward to din-din.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I still have a week to go B4 I can think about chicks. I wish they'd hurry up and hatch! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh my goodness - what a day. I'm sooo tired, but it's that really good tired that you get when you've been able to scratch lots of things off the 'to-do' list.

I weeded and mulched alllllll day long. And, I even found time to move some chickens, worm some goats, and put zucchini, crookneck, and white patty pan squash in the freezer. Oh, and I've got a big ol pot roast in the crock pot. DH mowed, mulched around some trees, and trimmed some branches.

I've topped 50 lbs of produce from the garden now! The pole beans (Rattlesake beans) are starting to come in. I picked about a half pound of those today and they are good enough to eat raw - yummy! Speaking of yummy - my neighbor brought me a couple pieces of dewberry pie that she made today, WOW! It was soooo good. I felt bad that DH couldn't have much more than a single bite because it's made with real sugar - so I felt obligated to eat his piece too, lol. I'd do anything to keep him healthy!:lol:

I had planned to disbud the last three kids today, but I've already showered....too late now. I'll do it one evening this week. Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE to disbud? I hate to disbud...

I put a half a bottle of wine in the roast and I fully intend to drink the other half bottle. I predict an early bedtime for me.

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's so nice of you to save hubby that way. I'd do the same. :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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:lol: Yes ma'am, and I'd do it again... anytime! Heck, I'd probably eat a whole pie for him. :drool


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Happy Anniversary to my DS and DIL. He even made the supreme sacrifice and came out to install my new dishwasher. The other one was only 5 years old - it died a early death...ugh.

It's HOT today - heat index is near 100 and I've been out in it most of the day. I'm trying soooo hard to get caught up on weeding and mulching the garden. Making headway, finally. I've still got lots to do, but I think it's do-able now.

It's so hot that I've turned the water hose on my head a couple of times... geeze ... no vanity issues here, lol.

Baby goats are growing. Saw some suspicious poop today one one baby butt so I'll probably be pulling out some wormer for them. Don't want any badness getting afoot hold in these little guys.

Great sadness in Houston today. Four firefighters died and at least 5 more critically wounded. :(

Nothing much else going on around here. Just watching the Gulf of Mexico and hoping that nothing is growing out there.

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