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- #8,381
Sustainability Master
I can't believe the amount of rain you get!
Too much rain - but none today so far.
I was outside in capri pants and a t-shirt most of the day. Got on the tractor and had to go in the pasture. Warned the dogs NOT to run out the gate....ugh. Cowboy was a very good boy and did NOT run out - but Maddie did...WHAT? She didn't go far, but it was far enough for me to get a call from the neighbor who used to call every time Cowboy got out. She was pleasant enough lol. Just wanted to make sure I knew she was out. Heck - before she got another sentence out Maddie was back home. I guess she just had to prove her independence... argh.
I spent some time on the tractor moving a round bale. But do you think my lazy tractor challenged butt put on the hay fork - nope - I thought I could just do it with the front end loader - and I did - but would have been more efficient to do it the right way. Oh well I'm just stubborn that way...
After that I got the dreaded dis-budding done. I have got to say that Kiko babies are sooo tough! They hardly fussed at all but the Nigi/Pyg babies were cry babies the entire time..and I mean CRY babies...
I came inside to chill for a few minutes before I go back out to finish feeding and milking. I'm still milking Cameo because her babies are stupid and just nurse off of one side...means I have to milk the other side every day. Her babies are only 9 days old and I haven't started drinking her milk yet. I really should tape off the side that they're nursing on and maybe they'll figure out there's another faucet....
I'm tired and I stink like burnt goat - maybe the hot tub is calling me! I get such good sleep after a good soak Ok - back to busy-ness!