I have a flock of Australorps. 10 hens and 2 roosters, one of which is going to freezer camp. They are just coming into lay, I hope I get some broodies in the bunch!
I have one hen who has gone broody this week. Too early!! She thinks not. She had two clutches to hatch last year.
RAIN -- day after day after day All day long today. Water everywhere!!!! I'm wanting no more. Now there's so much that my surface ground is getting a couple inches deep with mud, around the barn where they walk in & out. Mostly not walking out now Just waiting for their food "delivery service". Otherwise, it's spongy but covered with grass base, so not the sink in and suck the boots off, like you have there FEM. Hope it stops and dries some, when I have a day off to clean the barn, I need to get bedding replaced. Gets deep when you can only add more & more. Deep litter plan? NOT -- just shavings & their hay wasted (???)
Farmers here can't even walk in most fields, never mind sinking a tractor out there Even the winter wheat, planted few months ago, is having trouble growing with so much wetness.
I though rain was bad last year but, this yr has been worse -- everywhere! We will emerge!! Hope it's before kidding starts here Maybe I need to get a couple stalls ready in the main barn -- we can BOTH worry about kidding jugs tomorrow.
We were supposed to get rain yesterday - and it rained all around us. We had about 15 drops here and then the sun came out!! YAY Today is supposed to be beautiful and then we're back to clouds and wetness. Ugh.