Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It can be difficult to figure out what's wrong when you can't actually look at it.
That's what makes his advice so awesome!

Got some more tilling done yesterday. One of my pens held pigs for awhile. It was muddy when he was in there and he enjoyed rooting in the soft mud. But, as those of us who are familiar with clay soil know, it dries like concrete. There were craters and hills in there that literally made walking through there not just uncomfortable, but dangerous. Mowing was impossible. It's about 75% done now and so much better. I'll try to give it another round today if I find time.

The other chore today is getting hay. I found a guy with some 1100 lb bales of bluestem. I've never fed bluestem, but I'm committed to three bales. Hope they like it or I'll have 3300lbs of mulch, lol.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yep, they can make some holes!! I am pig free and may never raise another. I have a local source for hogs, raised as I would and delivered to slaughter house. At this point in my life, it's a choice I am open to loving. :D One person can only eat so much. I eat very few eggs but, they do eat a LOT of bugs! So, I sell eggs to help buy feed for them. Then, a few for the stew pot. You learn to make choices. :idunno:old


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You learn to make choices.
Yes - we do!

Today was a day... sheesh. I woke up this morning ready to go get hay. Was hoping to have it in the trailer and be on my way back home by 9am. Hooked up the trailer, cleaned it out a bit and pulled it up front to check the air in the tires. Checked the first one - good. Checked the second one - all good. Checked the third one - it's fine. Put the tire gauge on the fourth one - and all he!! broke loose. Scared the beejeebus out of me.... stupid valve stem broke off and air came pouring out under pressure and with a whole lot of noise. I probably jumped backwards 3 feet and 2 feet up in the air, lol. Sooooo...pulled the tire off and put it in the back of DH's car. He was going to town so he was gonna drop it by a tire shop for repair. I go grab the spare offa the other trailer and WTH??? It didn't fit. I woulda swore they had the same bolt pattern - but nope. So, I'm stuck. I call the neighbor and ask if I can borrow his trailer. Sure - no problem he says....except he's out at the deer lease and the trailer has a lock on it. Guess where the key is???? He did offer the spare to me and I pulled that off and rolled it to my house. It didn't fit either. So, I rolled it back to his house and mounted it back on his trailer. In the meanwhile I've notified my hay guy that I have a problem and will have to delay the pick up. No problem he says.

Three hours later DH gets back with the tire so I mount it on the trailer - check the air and call the hay guy to say I'm coming. No answer.... I wait about 30 minutes and text him. He responds finally and tells me he's getting in touch with the guys who are supposed to load it for me. (He's handicapped and more of a middle man) That was at 2pm. I wait, and wait, and wait. Finally at 5pm he says come and get it. I told him it was too late and I was cleaned up and ready to go out for the evening. (going to DS's)

I've been on the phone with everyone I know and everyone they know trying to get hay today. I found a guy who has fresh Jiggs for $45 a bale. Supposed to pick up some tomorrow. He also has prairie hay for $40 a bale. My goats love prairie so I may end up getting some of each. Only possible issue is that I see that prairie field and I think it has a lot of Johnson grass in it. I'll look again when we go to my son's - it's on the way. I'm a bit leery of Johnson grass - but I really don't know that much about it except it can be problematic at certain times of the year. So... at least I have option!

About to head to DS's house to see all the progress he's made converting his garage to a bar. He has an antique electronic dart board and a real juke box and a ton of antique appliances and refrigerator. It will end up being pretty awesome when he's done with it. Of course, he's a guy and I doubt that it will truly ever be totally finished. He will likely tinker with it for life lol.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Well, I couldn't "like" your post with all the crap you had going on BUT, sure giggled a bit. Typical day on the farm -- make plans and stuff happens. :D DSs garage sounds like it will be a real nice "man cave" -- some things are just never complete, always being reworked. But, I'll bet he will have it very useable before long.:pop


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Picked up three rounds this morning...went back a little later and got three more. I was just about to ask the guy if I could pay him for 6 more and pick them up next weekend when he told me that he'd just sold the rest of them to some other person...argh! :somad Ya snooze - ya lose. Story of my life I guess.

We got the first three unloaded - duh. Couldn't have gone back for the next batch if we didn't. But, we'll wait until this evening when it gets a bit cooler before unloading the rest.

Just talked to the other hay guy and will get some from him tomorrow. I won't feel better until I have at least 12 bales. I hope to actually get more.. I want "insurance" hay, lol.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Tractor & I went down to DDs to move the trunks of two huge trees a friend had taken down for her. Lot of maneuvering but got the limbs she had cut off moved out of the way, then the trunk moved so two more could come down. (My property). A friend sent her a pic of a few limbs he had to cut for the picnic bonfire tomorrow as, "this is a job". :lol: She sent him a pic of these two 60" trunks & a pile of huge limbs saying, NO, THIS is a job!! Yours is just fun time. :th

While there I bush hogged some undergrowth down also. I was on a roll, so I then bush hogged another field of mine. Working on that farmer's tan:D. 94 degrees out, so I came in for lunch and a rest. I'm in for a few hours and HOPE I accomplish something inside beyond a nap. :lol:

Hay is sure itchy this time of year. :lol: But nice to have it already available . Have some wine. You earned it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thankfully, net wrapped rounds aren't too bad! Not much gets out of them they're so tightly wrapped and tightly rolled.

Got the biggest portion of "stuff" put in the garden today. Planted lots of winter that stuff. It's so versatile. I've made chili out of squash before and my uber picky son ate it. He said it's not real chili - but it's good!

Planted corn again...not even sure why cuz DH can't really eat a bunch of it. But, I wanted some so I planted it. Planted some a couple years ago and it came up so purty---but within the next couple days it had all been munched up and gone....rabbits aren't cute when they're eating your corn! Since I'm planting in a different area this year I'm gonna try again. :fl

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
WOW, just WOW. Garden time!!! It's hard to find that time.:(

I hope your corn grows and is left for you this year. FRESH corn is so good. Like tomatoes, just not comparable -- groc vs fresh.

After reading Sumi's cucumber info, you better plant plenty of those..:lol: sounds like they are good for way too much. Who knew? :idunno


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Hay is wealth. Hay laid back for the winter makes me all warm and fuzzy all over LOL LOL. glad you got hay and are going to get more.

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