Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Well, this would surely impact his heart functioning as well. As we age our tissues loose muscle and become lax -- have you noticed? -- then fat cells just move around into places we don't want them. It's cruel! It happens!! We are victims!!
Even thin people have these body changes.
But, after this surgery, there would be a controlled food intake. Volume mostly but, I'm thinking that the composition of foods would be to assure the proper nutrition was there.
Helping with multiple health issues at one time -- sounds like an option to consider. No doubt you have researched the pros/cons to death -- I would -- because once done, it's done!
Even thin people have these body changes.
But, after this surgery, there would be a controlled food intake. Volume mostly but, I'm thinking that the composition of foods would be to assure the proper nutrition was there.
Helping with multiple health issues at one time -- sounds like an option to consider. No doubt you have researched the pros/cons to death -- I would -- because once done, it's done!