Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Finally got the 5 extra doelings listed last night. I hate selling animals. No wait - it's not that I hate selling animals. I hate dealing with the majority of the folks who respond to my listing. Previously I would only list my email address as a way to contact me. Recently I've added my phone number and requested texts or calls only between 9am and 9pm. Mistake much?

So, after a mediocre night of trying to sleep between several blood glucose issues for DH my phone dings at 5:45am. It dings twice. :mad: My bad, I suppose I should have set it for "do not disturb" but I didn't. So, I'm sitting here at 7:56am trying to decide if I should even answer this text. Of course, they inquired about 3 doelings and I'd love to move 3 at one time. However, I fully believe that some demented folks do this just to "mess" with people, lol. They also asked where my town is. Geeze! It's on the map on Craigslist and/or look it up instead of disturbing me for information that you can find yourself. Color me ungrateful for the response, I guess.

Question of the day - do I answer and hope that it leads to a sale or ignore their rude self? :rolleyes:

Oh - Happy Sunday!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wonderful!!!!! :clap :weee:old

Then I got a text from some gal who wanted 10! TEN! Why don't I have 10 more for sale? I dunno...wish I did.
She asked to be added to my "waiting list" for next year. Okay, no problem. You are first on my non-existent list for next year. Guess I can't say that anymore - now I have a list, lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
The doelings are gone! Money in my pocket and my feed bill went down. Win, win!

Started the massive shopping experience before the grands get here next week. Gotta start early. Son in law will come in for the weekend and for most of the nights my DS and DiL will come for dinner. Those nights I'll be feeding 10! Woohoo - lotsa fun!

Had a little excitement yesterday. Opened the front door to go outside when a visitor decided to slither in. Yep - sneaky snake tried to make himself at home. Thankfully, just a big ol striped ribbon snake. He decided pretty early that he'd made a mistake and tried to crawl up inside the couch. ARGH! I had to flip it over and was able to grab the snake by the tail. Ungrateful little beast tried his best to dissuade me. I don't wanna get bitten even by a non-venomous critter. Oh - and snake poop STINKS!
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
A slithery -- not a fun surprise! Maybe it was too hot out 🤔😋 they're fast movers, aren't they?!?

Fantastic -- kids sold & gone! I was gonna take a few to auction Sat but, life got in the way. 😔 No biggie, always next month and I have pastures. 😊

Go shopping --after you check the freezer :old -- prepare to enjoy the kids & grands. 🥰. Hope DH is better.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Trying to figure out what I do all day and why I can never seem to get caught up. Looking for, and hoping to find a way to streamline some of my activities. Writing 'em down because I never remember, lol. :old

6:30 wake up, didn't want to get up...
6:45 morning business, teeth, hair, clothes...
7:15 made a cup of coffee. started unloading dishwasher while coffee was making.
folded clothes while sipping coffee, checked SS and BYH, answered email, checked DH's blood sugar and gave him a bolus of insulin (while he's sleeping)
8:00 unloaded 12 bags of feed. Took care of animals - fed, watered, carried hay to buckling who is penned away from the round bale, checked eye membranes on a couple of does. Moved truck so I can mow later if needed. Almost forgot - burned the bags and some limbs/twigs.
9:00 Inside for another cup of coffee - ARGH - forgot to rotate the English Shepherd girls. It's done now. They can't be out together because they like to rip each other up. Stoopid dogs!
9:20 upstairs to gather laundry and strip beds in the guest rooms
9:30 first load of towels in the washer. Headed to kitchen. Finished unloading dishwasher. Refilled coffee pods. I love the Keurig but hate all the plastic that ends up in the landfill because of the pods. I have refillable ones. Started cooking prep for grands visit.
10:45 Finished cooking two chubs of breakfast sausage to get a head start on breakfast when the grands are here. Sausage cooling and about to go in the freezer. Second load of laundry going. Put a few things in the dishwasher for the next load. Glued down a couple of corners on carpet tiles in breezeway.
DH is finally out of bed.

Skies were clear blue this morning when I was outside. Clouds are gathering. Have to watch that. If rain is imminent I'll need to drop everything else and mow before it happens. Realize that typing all this out is consuming some of my time!

11:00 Putting together "brunch" for DH. I haven't eaten anything yet. Oh well, unintended intermittent fasting. Does coffee count? I dunno...
11:30 First load of towels almost dry, second load of washed towels in the basket waiting for the first load to finish. Third load just went into washer. First load is folded but not put away yet.

DH's breakfast/brunch is ready and he hasn't made it downstairs yet. I think my new nickname for him should be the Sloth. (Said very lovingly of course, lol.) Finally got him downstairs. Had to help him put his belt through the loops. Suggested that he thread the belt through the loops before he puts his pants on, lol.

12:00 Headed outside to mow
2:00 Mowed the yard, front, back, side. Mowed the front barnyard, went to the pasture and mowed around the round bales and tried to mow a path to the pond. Still too wet to get out there. Need to get my neighbor to mow it with the tractor when it dries. Guess at some point I need to decide if I need to buy another mower or just let neighbor keep doing it for me. I hate to ask people to do things for me though... Going to cook a couple pkgs of bacon now to have in the freezer when the kids get here.
2:15 Bacon is in the oven and I'm relaxing for a few minutes with a sandwich and a glass of water.
2:30 Second load of towels out of the dryer and folded - not put away....yet. Third load in the dryer and 4th load in the washer.

Raining pretty steady now. Just what we don't need. Gotta get up and do something!

3:15 Second batch of bacon in the oven.
3rd load of laundry out of the dryer. Not folded - not put away.
4th load in the dryer
5th load in washer.

4:00 Sat down, put my feet up and had a cup of tea.
4:22 Got a call from an old friend who is going through some stuff. Spent almost an hour and a half on the phone with her. She needed a shoulder so I was glad to help her. Gotta get busier now. Need to milk and feed and find something to feed DH too.

6:00 Headed outside. When I come back in from feeding and milking my "work" day will be over. Probably take at least an hour. I'll find something for DH to eat and I'll put my feet up and enjoy an adult beverage and try to figure out why I didn't get everything done that I wanted to do.

Phone call didn't help, but it was worth every minute to try to help a friend. There's always tomorrow!
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