Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Got a couple things done today. I started cleaning up a fence line for the upcoming fence job. Cut a bunch of the neighbors vines down. Needed to be done, but it had repercussions. In some areas the vines were the only thing holding up their rotten, crappy fence. Then I had to put up some temporary fencing to keep goats in until the new fence is installed. It's true - no good deed goes unpunished.

Came inside and immediately jumped into the shower with lots of dawn soap. After I started cutting all those pesky vines I suddenly remembered that I'm allergic to the poisons. Feeling not-itchy so I think I got it washed off in time. I guess if I'm ok by tomorrow I might've dodged the bullet.

Finally got the pedal/paddle boat back in the pond. I'd moved it out for the hurricane. Took it for a little spin after I got it re-launched. It's fun, lol.

Then I got started on another garden bed clean-up effort. I'll bring up some barn gold, hopefully tomorrow. I'd like to get some carrots planted soon...and some garlic, potatoes and onions. Even if I don't get anything planted I still need to get these beds back in shape. Gotta be done!

I'm trying to get some of the outside stuff done before DH's surgery on Friday. Eek!

I got eggs into the incubator today. I paid for 12 silkie eggs on ebay and received 18. Hope they're good! Quail eggs should be delivered tomorrow. I'll let 'em a sit for a day and they'll go in the incubator on Thursday. Hopefully, they'll all hatch around the same time....if any hatch at all. :fl

I'm enjoying this bit of cooler weather. Makes it much easier to want to do outside stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
No itchies, thank goodness! Don't know if I was lucky and got it all washed off or maybe it wasn't the poisonous vines at all. Hard to tell when there are no leaves...

Headed to town this morning to run errands. Wanna get stocked up so that I don't have to make any town runs for a while after surgery. Don't need much since I stay pretty well stocked up anyway.

My crazy bitches got into another huge fight Monday night. One of them learned how to pop the latch on the kennel and got out during the night. Woke up to a blood covered back porch and both of 'em moving very slowly and carefully. Couldn't find any external wounds on either of them. But Karma was dripping blood out of her mouth and has a little swelling on the side of her face. Started her on antibiotics and kept her confined because activity seemed to increase the bleeding. She's really working the sympathy factor so much that I made her some special soft food last night. She loves her some rice and scrambled eggs, lol. She looks sooooo much better this morning. Swelling is way down and no more bleeding inside her mouth.

When I discovered them yesterday morning they were laying within 2 feet of each other. So, does that mean they worked it out and have established some pack order? Or were they just resting between rounds? Who knows? The kennel now has a chain and clip in addition to the latch. Sigh.... why can't they just get along.... :(


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Wow, it’s so hard keeping dogs separated. My 3 Anatolians mostly get along, but Carson is not in their pack. Sentry especially hates him and will attack at every opportunity. With him in the house the past two weeks, a truce was declared. But even with Sentry in a crate, Carson still hid behind my recliner.

Yeah, why can’t they just get along!