Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Rough couple of days. DH was doing amazingly well immediately after surgery and for the next 12 hours or so. During surgery they had drained off a good amount of CSF and it relieved his symptoms wonderfully. However, the pressure builds back up. He's now relying on the shunt they installed to relieve the pressure and it's set at the lowest setting at this time. We go back for a follow-up in two weeks and they will adjust it so that more fluid drains and relieves the pressure even more. There will likely be several adjustments until they think it's just right.

I've been trying to work on garden beds. It's hard to get much done when you can only dedicate 10 - 15 minutes at a time to the project. But I do have some broccoli and cabbage planted. YaY!!!! I also picked up some organic potatoes and garlic that are on the list to find a new home in some dirt as soon as I can get to it.

Got a few goats shuffled around yesterday. Most of the does that I plan on breeding have been exposed to a buck and I've witnessed breeding. I have breeding dates on those. However, at this point, I don't have time to do scheduled, hand breeding so the bucks now have their harems with them full-time. I have a few does that I'm NOT breeding at all because of age or their status on the "to go" list. that means multiple areas with goats that all have to be fed/hayed and watered separately. Adds a little to my work load - but that's just the way it is right now.

I'm so excited because my 2 oldest grands are coming on Thursday! They're out of school for fall break this week. Poor GS - he's got a big ol "help me" list staring him in the face, lol. He loves it though and he'll be rewarded for his work. GD will likely be on babysitting duty for DH. She won't be required to do anything but call me if DH needs help while I'm outside. She may get meal duty though. She's an awesome cook!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Adjustments will take a while, sadly. But there's hope!

Glad the grands will be there for love & help. 🥰

Goats 🥴. We both know they do what goats do, when they want. I looked at a few long doelings yesterday, thinking "you're really growing". Then remembered they are 2023 kids :lol: time flies! I need to cut back or something...prob 60 kids coming.
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Calm? Around here? Sigh.... one can always hope!

And, in keeping with nothing being calm....Grands are coming today! It was previously scheduled that they come Thursday so this is a surprise! A pleasant surprise for sure - just a surprise that I don't get an extra day to get things in order.

Got DH upstairs, showered and back downstairs this morning. First time since surgery and it went well. Trust me when I say that he really NEEDED it, lol. He smells much better and feels better too.

I'm seeing small improvements in his abilities. He's still not back at pre-surgery levels, but he's getting stronger. I'm doing physical therapy with him and I see those tiny changes. He's had so much PT that I feel like some basic knowledge has rubbed off on me and I can at least get him to do the simple stuff.

Got pics yesterday to list some goats. Just gotta get 'em listed. I'm such a procrastinator.

Gotta finish this second cup o'coffee and get on the road. Need to pick up grain and groceries and get back here before DH does something dumb, lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
The Grands and I put together a hoop house yesterday. GS pounded a couple of t-posts and then GD wanted to try. She wasn't making a lot of progress so I decided to show her how it was done.' GS said it needed one more blow to get it perfect so I raised up the pounder and with all my might pounded it down. Unfortunately, I didn't have the pounder lined up properly and it hit the post and bounced off and hit me on the head. OMG! I literally saw stars, the world went black, and I staggered around a few times while the kids were freaking out.

It wasn't funny at the time, but it's pretty funny thinking back on it. No harm done, no blood, but it's tender where it hit. Those post pounders are heavy! We put a layer of older tarps, with a couple of holes in them on first. They should act as a liner of sorts so the new tarps won't get so beat up. I'll put some duct tape on any sharp spots to try to make the new tarps last longer.

I'm bummed because the original plan was for the grands to be here through Sunday, but plans changed and they're leaving today. :(

DH is making tiny bits of progress. He got himself out of a chair a couple of times yesterday and even walked to the dining room without help. Was he supposed to do that? He// no! Sigh... Follow up appt on Monday.