Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Been a busy few days with more to come. PT, OT, and a CT all in the first couple days of the week. He's graduated from OT, but PT says they can keep going for possibly a couple more months. DH is kinda tired of it but it helps so he's just gonna have to deal with it. He's doing well. No more wheelchair and rarely even using a walker. He uses a cane in the house and half the time he forgets to use it.

Weather sucks - but compared to what some of ya'll are dealing with I shouldn't even complain, lol. Supposed to rain a LOT tomorrow. They're saying 4 - 5 inches. I do not want it! I hate for kids to be born into a muddy mess. Still a few weeks to go but I don't predict much drying up this time of year. One can hope!

Had another batch of turnip greens recently and have some nice turnips in the fridge. We've had some freezing weather but everything has come through very well - so far.

I've got a nice stand of collard greens too. Need to put some of those in my tummy too.

I'd like to can some greens, but it would take a whole houseful of greens to make enough for a qt. jar, lol. Those things really do reduce!

Quail are doing really well. I need more cages. I've got some that I want to modify to make things easier. GS and I got one done while he was here. I've got another pen I'd like to set up as a grow out pen. I have everything I need - just need to make the time to do it.

Antoher cup of coffee and then it's time to get busy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Been raining lightly on and off since mid-morning. Nothing terrible...yet. Still coldish though and I'm not a fan. I've decided that if I have to do winter - my personal comfort zone is mid 40's with no wind or rain. I'm actually quite comfortable at that temp when I'm dressed for it. I realize that some of ya'll are probably in t-shorts, shorts and flip-flops with those temps - but not me!

We've got one more light freeze coming up Saturday morning. After that we'll have highs in the 60's and maybe even reaching 70 by mid-month.

I got the extra quail cage hung yesterday afternoon. My shoulders are not happy - but they can just stop whining cuz it's not doing them any good. Also fixed a gate that the big guy decided didn't really belong on those hinges. We'll see how long it stays.

I'm ready for some baby goats, but I'm happy to wait until this icky weather passes. Gonna have to hope no more badness comes in when babies start landing.

DH is asking about dinner. Dude - there's tons of ready to eat meals sitting in nice, shiny jars just waiting for you to decide which one you want.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i got out today to shovel some of the snow before Mom came home. it wasn't that bad, only an inch or three in most places and very light stuff so it moved easy. i just push most of it. i like to have the driveway cleared off before it gets driven on so it doesn't get packed down to turn into ice. tomorrow the temperature is supposed to be around freezing and partly sunny so if i can get out before 11 and get it cleaned up again it should all melt off and then dry too. no ice, no salt, just exercise and fresh air, which i really needed because i felt really good when i was done. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 27, 2019
Reaction score
Central Indiana
One of them decided to give me the side-eye glare afterwards and she quickly found out that is not allowed either
Oh dear- I was hoping they grew out of that stage before they got to be teenagers!
Wouldn't like to bore anyone, so I will rather keep as active as I can, and respond to posts bit by bit : )
I doubt you would bore us! Even if it’s mundane things, it’s always interesting to see how people live in other countries. 😍

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