My home grown garlic is part of my emergency prepardness plan.Its been known for its healing properties through out the world for centuries.At some point we may not be able to buy antibiotics made for man or animals( including fish).How many of you grow garlic for health and good eating...? I have over 3000 heads planted now, mostly German White, which i sell locally, each year i grow more.At the present time one must be very careful buying garlic seed.It appears some farmers from a country directly north of the USA, sent nematode infested garlic seed to the states, according to the US Dept .of Agr.They say its getting pretty bad in the northeast USA.Their are plenty of online articles on the topic, easily found googling.Nematodes are wrmy little critter causing root and developmet problems.I would suggest only buying clean local to your area seed, and that could still be risky.Nematodes are difficult to get rid of and spread easily from one farm to another just by wearing infected boots.It may be wise to aviod buying any northern garlic seed until the scope of the problem is clearer, since this is a fairly new problem( last one or two yrs)...