General meds and antibiotics?


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 28, 2010
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hqueen13 said:
Read an article this morning about a special variety of honey that has the ability to cure MRSA infections.
Just saw a great science-fair project where they compared clover, manuka, and artificial honey. They all work, but the artificial and clover honey had to be sterilized (double boiler) and used in a higher concentration than manuka honey.

Oooo. Found a research article about how well honey works as a antimicrobial agent:


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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Will add some honey comb to the pantry along with the other things.Thanks!


Power Conserver
Jan 10, 2012
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Hamburg, WI
Forget about over the counter meds or any meds for that matter. In a time of crisis, medications will be severely limited and one is better to go the herbal route. I use to take meds for ptsd and anxiety, but after having to deal with medical price spikes and discontinuations, I gave up and went the herbal route. 89% of the population in the U.S. know nothing about the flowers they have in their yards, nor do they know about the yarrow, cone flower, bee balm and others that grow wild in the ditches of the country side. These herbs have endured the test of time, don't spoil or have an expiration date and you can make tinctures to cough drops to salves and stock till your heart desires. I have enough supplies to last me 5 years and still each year i make more just because its habit forming and has turned into a hobby.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Wish I had somebody like you around to learn from Tatter!!

It is HARD to try to explain to people WHY drugs are not a smart route to go and that there ARE things out there that are BETTER than drugs.
Most people are just too stuck on the "but medicine says its good so it must be!" to stop and think about why the drug companies want you to buy the drugs in the first place!


Power Conserver
Jan 10, 2012
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Hamburg, WI
Wish I knew of others who were into some of the things I am into, would make life more pleasant :) Most of the "sheep" are brainwashed into thinking that if a doctor says it works, then that is all they need. Having a Ph.d and seeing how most doctors work, I come to the conclusion that doctors don't know diddly squat. It use to be that a doctor would go out of his/her way to find what is wrong with a person, never resting until they had a solution. Not any more. Now a days, they want the money and could care less about the patient and so will provide a wonder drug for that person just to fill their pockets. I told my family physician off a while ago and said I bet I could diagnosis myself and provide my own health care via natural methods. His remark, "perhaps, but modern day medicine works faster"...maybe that is true, but mine is FREE and mine WORK and mine are ALWAYS available. It's been 6 years since I have seen him and this is coming from a man who has had a perforated ulcer and gastrointestinal problems throughout his life, on top of anxiety issues. I have horehound cough drops that cure sore throats...cure, not mask the soreness like Halls. I have tinctures and salves that have no undertones of allergic reactions, nor do they put you into the ER due to side effects. Valerian, Fennel, Horehound, Bee Balm, Yarrow, Plantain, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Catnip, and the list just goes on. I can stop heavy blood flow with the Yarrow (something the Native Americans used to treat puncture wounds), I can treat digestive issues with Fennel or even Anise seed. My green tea plant is a cancer preventive and best of all, these are plants given to man by God. Hence, they are good for you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Tatter said:
Wish I knew of others who were into some of the things I am into, would make life more pleasant :) Most of the "sheep" are brainwashed into thinking that if a doctor says it works, then that is all they need. Having a Ph.d and seeing how most doctors work, I come to the conclusion that doctors don't know diddly squat. It use to be that a doctor would go out of his/her way to find what is wrong with a person, never resting until they had a solution. Not any more. Now a days, they want the money and could care less about the patient and so will provide a wonder drug for that person just to fill their pockets. I told my family physician off a while ago and said I bet I could diagnosis myself and provide my own health care via natural methods. His remark, "perhaps, but modern day medicine works faster"...maybe that is true, but mine is FREE and mine WORK and mine are ALWAYS available. It's been 6 years since I have seen him and this is coming from a man who has had a perforated ulcer and gastrointestinal problems throughout his life, on top of anxiety issues. I have horehound cough drops that cure sore throats...cure, not mask the soreness like Halls. I have tinctures and salves that have no undertones of allergic reactions, nor do they put you into the ER due to side effects. Valerian, Fennel, Horehound, Bee Balm, Yarrow, Plantain, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Catnip, and the list just goes on. I can stop heavy blood flow with the Yarrow (something the Native Americans used to treat puncture wounds), I can treat digestive issues with Fennel or even Anise seed. My green tea plant is a cancer preventive and best of all, these are plants given to man by God. Hence, they are good for you.
Tatter, I am very pleased that you have found good results with your herbs. I have also had some success when I use them, but luckily I haven't needed to often. It is a subject that fascinates me, and I have done a lot of reading on the subject. However, I would like to add to your comments a warning for those who might read what you have written, who do not have much knowledge of the subject. You are right that much good can be got (and has been forgotten by many) from the plants around us. But you give the impression (to the uninformed) that it is all fine and dandy, and no risk is involved (at least that is what I read in your post). But it needs to be mentioned, and STRESSED, that just because something is natural it does not necessarily mean it is safe! Please, anybody who is tempted to give herbs a try (and I encourage you to do so), please learn all you can about the subject. Many herbs are good for you; some will cause allergic reactions in certain individuals; some are poisonous. Know what you are doing before you do it ... and for heaven's sake don't just take the word of someone (anyone!) on the internet, especially just because it sounds kind of like a good thing to do.
And, realize that herbs can do many things, but there really are some instances when visiting a doctor would be a better idea. If I break a bone, or have signs of appendicitis I would not consider waiting to see what outcome I might have from my herb garden. But for a cough or sore throat, or even a bleeding wound that doesn't need stitches (yarrow really is very good!) I wouldn't hesitate to turn to the garden.


Power Conserver
Jan 10, 2012
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Hamburg, WI
ORChick said:
Tatter said:
Wish I knew of others who were into some of the things I am into, would make life more pleasant :) Most of the "sheep" are brainwashed into thinking that if a doctor says it works, then that is all they need. Having a Ph.d and seeing how most doctors work, I come to the conclusion that doctors don't know diddly squat. It use to be that a doctor would go out of his/her way to find what is wrong with a person, never resting until they had a solution. Not any more. Now a days, they want the money and could care less about the patient and so will provide a wonder drug for that person just to fill their pockets. I told my family physician off a while ago and said I bet I could diagnosis myself and provide my own health care via natural methods. His remark, "perhaps, but modern day medicine works faster"...maybe that is true, but mine is FREE and mine WORK and mine are ALWAYS available. It's been 6 years since I have seen him and this is coming from a man who has had a perforated ulcer and gastrointestinal problems throughout his life, on top of anxiety issues. I have horehound cough drops that cure sore throats...cure, not mask the soreness like Halls. I have tinctures and salves that have no undertones of allergic reactions, nor do they put you into the ER due to side effects. Valerian, Fennel, Horehound, Bee Balm, Yarrow, Plantain, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Catnip, and the list just goes on. I can stop heavy blood flow with the Yarrow (something the Native Americans used to treat puncture wounds), I can treat digestive issues with Fennel or even Anise seed. My green tea plant is a cancer preventive and best of all, these are plants given to man by God. Hence, they are good for you.
Tatter, I am very pleased that you have found good results with your herbs. I have also had some success when I use them, but luckily I haven't needed to often. It is a subject that fascinates me, and I have done a lot of reading on the subject. However, I would like to add to your comments a warning for those who might read what you have written, who do not have much knowledge of the subject. You are right that much good can be got (and has been forgotten by many) from the plants around us. But you give the impression (to the uninformed) that it is all fine and dandy, and no risk is involved (at least that is what I read in your post). But it needs to be mentioned, and STRESSED, that just because something is natural it does not necessarily mean it is safe! Please, anybody who is tempted to give herbs a try (and I encourage you to do so), please learn all you can about the subject. Many herbs are good for you; some will cause allergic reactions in certain individuals; some are poisonous. Know what you are doing before you do it ... and for heaven's sake don't just take the word of someone (anyone!) on the internet, especially just because it sounds kind of like a good thing to do.
And, realize that herbs can do many things, but there really are some instances when visiting a doctor would be a better idea. If I break a bone, or have signs of appendicitis I would not consider waiting to see what outcome I might have from my herb garden. But for a cough or sore throat, or even a bleeding wound that doesn't need stitches (yarrow really is very good!) I wouldn't hesitate to turn to the garden.
I agree what has been said here. One cannot just get into what I have been doing without lots of reading and understanding of what each herb does and will do. Just because herbs work for one person, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for another. Each of our bodies are different, therefore we react differently to what works. Some herbs, like yarrow work for everyone DEPENDING on what you're using it for. To stop bleeding, it works for nearly everyone and every creature (used it on a dog a few times and a goat). Of course, me being a man I don't have the issue of being pregnant and some herbs will interact wrong with a woman who is carrying a child and could lead to some serious issues, again though, one must do their research. As to what herbs work for me, I use what grows in my zone and what cures ailments that I may encounter. There are a couple herbs I am allergic to like St. John's Wart, Golden Rod, ...very good herbs, but I have to stay far from them. I learned the hard way...trial and error and it was a big error but I learned its not for me. Simple herbs like horehound made into lozenges will work for nearly everyone and I have yet to read or hear of anyone being allergic to it.

When taking herbs, read before you eat/drink and of course some things like broken bones, puncture wounds, severed limbs...of course one needs to see a doctor, but for the common ailments like colds, sore throats, drainage, slivers, poison ivy/oak and of the sorts, one doesn't need to spend $250 for a 15 minute doctors appointment when you can fix yourself at home :)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
But it needs to be mentioned, and STRESSED, that just because something is recommended by a doctor it does not necessarily mean it is safe! Please, anybody who is tempted to give a doctor a try (and I encourage you to do so), please learn all you can about the subject. Many doctors have things that are good for you; some will cause allergic reactions in certain individuals; some are poisonous. Know what you are doing before you do it ... and for heaven's sake don't just take the word of someone (anyone!) on the internet, especially just because it sounds kind of like a good thing to do.
And, realize that doctors can do many things, but there really are some instances when using natural alternatives would be a better idea....
Underline emphasis mine.... original post by ORChick... This can be so easily turned around the other way. Most of us have "grown up" with "modern medicine" and blindly trust what the doctor orders (medicine for every ailment!), and what the government recommends as healthy (food pyramid anyone??), when reality dictates that these things really don't help, and are actually harming us in a lot of ways. We're all too blinded being sheep to wake up and notice that we're ill, ailing, and sickly (and that there are a whole lot of other people getting richer!), and it is our own doing by NOT questioning things more than we are.

Tatter, I hope you're sharing your knowledge with others! In planning a rain garden that is going to be put in here with the assistance of the park, I noticed they've included bee balm on the list, I'm excited because I think I remember someone saying it has healing properties.

(Would have used a strikethrough, but I couldn't find the code for it! :hide Don't mind me being a smart alick!)


Power Conserver
Jan 10, 2012
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Hamburg, WI
I don't share my knowledge much as I've been accused a few times as being arrogant when in all honesty I do come across strong online...I'm one of these who have no finesse about them at all. I speak my peace and leave it at that and if I think I believe I'm being fed a line of bull, I call it instead of sitting on it and just accepting it. This kind of demeanor rubs many folks wrong, so I just keep all my knowledge enclosed in my head :)

Bee Balm (monarda didyma) ...a favorite plant of mine. It's often sold as just a flower, its more than that. The whole plant is edible and is often used in tea, though I use the flowers in salads too. The medicinal qualities for Bee Balm cover a vast majority of ailments. Another great herb that if often sold as a flower is the cone flower (Echinacea)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Heh I tend to be a bit outspoken sometimes (see above! :p ) so I can understand.

Very cool on the bee balm! I had no idea cone flower was Echinacea!! Good to know!!

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