Don't you have all those "free to good home" type ads in your newspaper? Or even craigslist? They are rampant here, and you could find a dog within a day if you weren't specifically wanting a purebred puppy or something like that.patandchickens said:I am getting really really really really frustrated.
DH has always lived with dogs, and I would like one too, but he is sort of a procrastinative blob and I wasn't going to push it while the kids were small since *I* will be the one doing virtually all the dog maintenance/cleanup/training. But now I think we are ready to gracefully add a dog to the household.
So I've been scouring Petfinder and local ads for the past, I dunno, 3 weeks or so. We need something medium-sized, preferably lab-mix-lookin', and it HAS to be really nonaggressive and good with kids and cats... which of course is a pretty adoptable type dog so there are not so many out there. Then any candidate I find has to be wrangled about with DH for hours and hours (he likes to take ten minutes or so to respond to a question in a conversation, and doesn't volunteer info or opinions...), and then gets vetoed for reasons like "I would prefer not to get a poodley looking dog".
We HAVE found a couple of real possibilities. Several were already adopted or adoption-pending. Another dog I submitted an application for, got a 'receipt of application' email from, and it has been silence now for a week. And we went to see several others, all at one larger rescue in the area, but the woman running it is a TOTAL RAVING LUNATIC and I just cannot believe anything she says and it is impossible to deal with her. REally really, she is quite the piece of work.
I suppose I should have started this a month or so sooner, and/or be more patient. I *am* ok in principle with DH wanting a medium-large lab-type dog (specifically), since most of the other animals here are by MY choice not his so I guess it is only fair that a dog, which he especially cares about, be squarely to HIS tastes. It's just that he is being so PICKY about it. You can't tell me he wouldn't love a heinz-57 mutt just as much as anything else, after the first few weeks. But no, everything has to match his prejudices about looks and not-a-junky-hillbilly-lookin-dog and all that.
(example: regarding a dog we were seriously considering [but was probably too high energy and untested with cats, and then that woman went totally off the rails and we gave up], a small yellow-lab mix, he was concerned that the dog was paler in color than one would ideally want for a 'proper' yellow lab. nevermind that it WASN'T a show lab, it is just a very lab-type *mix*. We are not pursuing getting a purebred lab, which he seems totally ok with, for a whole suite of practical reasons btw, including money and a smallish house and concern about food and vet bills for that size/type dog. So if we are getting a mixed-breed, who CARES exactly what shade its paint job is. Argh.)
I know, a dog that suits our kid-and-cat-etc needs AND matches his preconceptions will show up EVENTUALLY. Possibly by way of DH eventually realizing that you can't look for imaginary dogs but have to select from what is actually out there(I am totally sure he DOES want a dog, mind you.) It's just that this is sucking back an awful lot of my time and energy and it is just AAAAGRAVATING!!!
Hardly any around here. Most of what there are, are pitbulls (there are legal and homeowners-insurance issues involved here in Ontario, unfortunately) or basically-aggressive dogs or little foofy lapdogs (which DH won't allow).mekasmom said:Don't you have all those "free to good home" type ads in your newspaper? Or even craigslist? They are rampant here, and you could find a dog within a day if you weren't specifically wanting a purebred puppy or something like that.