Dec 24, 2010 #11 abifae Abinormal Butterfly Joined Oct 21, 2009 Messages 5,820 Reaction score 4 Points 198 Location Colorado not very at all you can use cheese cloth to really get them all, but a few bits won't hurt it.
Dec 25, 2010 #12 M MsPony Lovin' The Homestead Joined Mar 16, 2010 Messages 892 Reaction score 0 Points 83 Location Santa Barbara Stupid question, why would you use ghee? Does it have benefits over butteR?
Dec 25, 2010 Thread starter #13 B big brown horse Hoof In Mouth Joined Apr 23, 2009 Messages 8,307 Reaction score 0 Points 213 Location Puget Sound, WA No stupid questions here! You can use it to cook things at much higher heat levels than butter. It is much healthier than most veggie oils.
No stupid questions here! You can use it to cook things at much higher heat levels than butter. It is much healthier than most veggie oils.
Dec 25, 2010 #14 Wifezilla Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021 Joined Jan 3, 2009 Messages 8,928 Reaction score 16 Points 270 Location Colorado I fry wings in it