Bubbles the size of small houses have sprouted in the covered pool of 21 million gallons of decomposing cow manure. The bubbles are big enough to be seen in satellite photos. Armed with a Swiss army pocketknife, boat and gas mask, the owner thinks he can get this under control.
"If that thing blows God help us all for miles", worried neighbors think puncturing the bubbles could cause an explosion of manure and gases.
How'd you like to live next to this guy?
Landfills have to vent methane through torches. How did this guy slide in oversight? Back in 2006 he noticed bubbles and thought "this doesn't look right"!

Bubbles the size of small houses have sprouted in the covered pool of 21 million gallons of decomposing cow manure. The bubbles are big enough to be seen in satellite photos. Armed with a Swiss army pocketknife, boat and gas mask, the owner thinks he can get this under control.
"If that thing blows God help us all for miles", worried neighbors think puncturing the bubbles could cause an explosion of manure and gases.
How'd you like to live next to this guy?
Landfills have to vent methane through torches. How did this guy slide in oversight? Back in 2006 he noticed bubbles and thought "this doesn't look right"!