......and she doesn't know about it.....punkin said:Sorry, laughed myself silly. Not a mother out there who hasn't had some sort incident. If there is, she has a Nanny.
homestead jenna said:I would recommend this book that was my life-saver when I had kids in the 80's (well, I had the original one):
This is a very down-to-earth, extremely practical book with lots of information and experiences. Probably the best thing I took away from it was to listen to your child...that's your best resource for how to be a mom. It's not just a baby book...it's more like a "family" book in a lot of ways.
This is the book from which I learned to make baby food at home....
My son was old enough for vegetables in October and I had a pumpkin that I spent maybe 4 years cooking in the oven (not really but it seemed like it). I carved out the pumpkin and spun it in a blender with some apple juice and dutifully divied it into ice cube trays to make handy 2-oz servings. Since I had done this in the morning I reserved some for his lunch.
Now - you must understand that my son was in the "active" category of newborns. The child didn't sleep much at all. It was all I could do to keep him entertained...but I think that's why he has such a practical frame of mind now...because I simply carted him from oven to washer to broom to grocery store to wherever with me all the time, propped him in one of those icky plastic proppy baby seats that were the thing then and did my thing.
Well, anyway - it got to be lunch time and after that nap time (yeah, it sounds like I had a schedule, now, doesn't it?). I fed him the pumpkin and laid him down for his nap...and the kid slept so long I had to go in there and make sure he was still breathing! A three-hour nap - unheard of - but I must admit...oh-so-welcome.
The next day at lunch I served him pumpkin again...and again he snoozed a monster naptime. I didn't know what was going on....unTIL....I ran my finger around the pumpkin bowl.
Apparently the apple juice I had used for yonder Sleeping Baby's pumpkin was - in the vernacular - Kentucky Stump-Blower. It had turned alcoholic! (which gives you some idea of my LACK of scheduling and/or general mothering abilities!). No small wonder the kid was snoozing...he was sleeping it off!
As I raced to the freezer to out the wicked liquored-up pumpkin, my mind raced ahead to visions of his stumbling out of a bar at age 4, panhandling at 12, and then living in a gutter. And did I damage his brain? Would I live to regret this foolish act?
But...and this is selfish but true...I HATED tossing out all those little pumpkin cubes that could give me a break from this high-octane kid every afternoon.
What you people must think of me......![]()