glenolam's madness - April passed away


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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SOAP!!!! It is amazing :D Thanks!

I passed the unscented and the oatmeal soap on to abi so she could try some too. (She can't handle a lot of fragrances, etc... so I think those two will work best). My favorite scent is the cucumber melon. Tell Eloise she does good work ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
YAY! I'm glad you got it alright! I figured I should send along some unscented types...I know people are 1 of 2 kinds - the kind that doesn't mind scents and the kind that do. :)

Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
glenolam said:
YAY! I'm glad you got it alright! I figured I should send along some unscented types...I know people are 1 of 2 kinds - the kind that doesn't mind scents and the kind that do. :)

Enjoy and let me know what you think!
You know 3 kinds. I'm the kind that likes some scents and not others..... :gig and you know me!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Well - as Hen has said it's hot around here. Maybe not as bad as central US but supposedly it's coming our way.

We've been chugalugging along, not too much to report. The chicks that hatched back in May are starting to dissappoint me. I think out of 13 chicks I have about 5 to 7 roosters...either that or the hens are really really cross bred and have those tall dark blue/green tail feathers and really big combs. We already have 3 roosters to our 8 older hens and just acquired another banty rooster named Echo. He's not really happy about being here - even the guineas don't like him so he just sits in a nesting box all day. I get him out so he can eat and drink and have been letting everyone free range more so he can get a break. little g loves him so we're trying to protect him for now. But at least we've already had practice with processing the meaties so if we really do have that many roosters now we can stick them in the freezer with the meaties.

We sent Sir Loin off to a farm to be grained out for a few months then it's off to the chop block. I'm sorta sad but at the same time excited. Sir Loin was our bottle Jersey calf and he's now a year old. Not going to be the best meat but a good place to start. We were supposed to send another calf with him as well as one of our females but that didn't really work out to well.

It started when Big G and 3 friends showed up with a big trailer. I took the grain bucket and tried to lure the cows into our make shift corral, which was nothing but us and some gates. We got Sir Loin up into the trailer and then got Bob's mother on who's going to the farm to be bred, not grained out. I ended up in the trailer with both Sir Loin and Bob's Mom with the gates that's a hairy situation. Our cows have never been aggressive towards us but throw in heat, stress and the 3 of us in a small trailer and that's a recipe for disaster. Luckily she let me push her end around (she was between me and the gate at the end of the trailer) and the men opened up the gate so I could squeeze out. I think I lost 10 lbs sweating that one out.

We tried like heck to get Meatball on the trailer but after 45 minutes, some bucking broncho activity and about 15lbs of grain on the ground we decided to call it a day and let Meatball stay at our place. We'll try again in a week or two to get him out of here - my idea is to just shoot him on site and take him directly to the butcher. I mean, it was rediculous watching 3 grown men and 2 grown women trying to get a yearling calf into a trailor. Oh well - soon enough we'll have some nice, healthy, grass fed beef in the freezer and a few less mouthes to feed.

April is still doing well. She's pretty much the same, still has lumps, still a bit thin and her hair is still course and dry. It's coming back where she lost chuncks of fur, but she just looks pathetic. No word on the outcome of the test - I guess with 4th of July occurring they're backed up. It's been about 2 1/2 weeks, but what are you gonna do. I'm leaning towards cancer myself. It also seems like she's got a lump right at the base of one of her teats in addition to all the lumps in and up her udder. I highly doubt I'll breed her in a few months. Everyone else looks fantastic - nice slick coats and they're really getting chuncky. I stopped graining them which they're not happy with and I'm in the process of drying Fudgie up. We've got a vacation coming up in the end of August and she's only giving me 1/2 quart a day so I'd rather just dry her up than make our friend have to milk her each day for nothing. Eloise never kidded so she never took during the 5 months I had her with my 2 bucks and the 2 times I had her with my neighbor's buck. Darn goat. Now that my boys are bigger they'll hopefully get her done this fall.

So, that's about it. Got about 33 guinea eggs that are due to hatch on Friday and there's a broody hen sitting on more guinea eggs. With any luck I'll get at least 6; a friend wants to buy them for her farm and we already have 7...any leftovers will live outside 24/7 and we'll keep the flock that lives with the chickens as the mating bunch.

I planted some raspberry, blueberry and blackberry bushes and also noticed I have some wild raspberries and blackberries growing along the front yard. I'm so excited - I had been watching these areas for a few years because the leaves looked like berry leaves but never saw fruit. Finally when mowing the lawn yesterday I saw a bunch of red and purple berries just waiting to be gobbled I'm dreaming of jellies and jams...and pie....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
:frow That's me waving from inside my house where I'm hiding from the heat...... what a week we are going to have!

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