goat cheese or another use for goat milk

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
freemotion said:
"A" goat? IMPOSSIBLE! :D
Right on Freemotion, that is the one thing that keeps me from getting one...the fact that I need 2 or more!! :lol: I might be able to hide one out here but 2, no way. Id be SOOO busted! I had to take an oath that I would not bring anymore animals home. And I think this oath is way more serious than the one I took "NOT to scare him in the wood shed at night." :ep What a baby!:lol:

But GAUD I want them sooo badly! I cruise craigslist daily looking for a good deal. I understand that they need to be healthy and [those two] diseases free...which makes the good ones soo expensive.

When I was a child my mom owned an antique store and there was this spinner and those two brush thingys to comb the fiber with. She taught me how to make yarn with that stuff. I would LOVE to own that now!!! Had I known then what I know now!

I read that you drink your goat's milk straight up filtered. Can you please explain that process to me?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Very simple....I use one of those "forever" coffee filters, the type that is made to go right on a mug and is made of a very fine metal mesh. I put it right on my cup and pour the milk that I just milked, warm from the goat, into my cup, stir in my previously melted chocolate (melted in a bit of water) and down the hatch! The rest goes into either gallon jars in the fridge for cheesemaking, or a quart bottle for us, and now, another quart bottle for baby Ginger.

It may be a stupid move, but I grew up on milk from goats bought at auction, and I have been exposed to any disease they might have. I don't have tested goats. I do have healthy goats. I will probably end up with a buck to keep a mostly closed herd.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Very interesting, and it sound so easy.

O.K. about those diseases like CSE (or something) so you aren't worried? There was a big debate on craigslist here a while back with lots of flagging and drama etc. going on about it. That is the only reason why I know a bit about it. I had never heard about it before and I had lots of friends that had goats while I was growing up and they were all healthy and happy.

You are still alive, thats a good sign.:D Now I won't worry too much.

Even though I might find myself suddenly single, I want them!! I am still deciding weather to get goats or lambs. What is your feeling on this. I want to use them for milk mainly and some lawn scaping.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
People can get so angry about things, can't they?

My opinion on this is not as educated as it should be.....I live a very healthy lifestyle and so do my animals. I firmly believe in getting one's immune system as strong as possible, that will take care of most issues. Not all, but most.

As for goats vs sheep, that depends on which one makes your heart go pitter-pat. For me it is definitely goats. Sheep have never drawn me in. Lambs are cute, but sheep.....naah. I just love goats! At every age, size, shape.....well, the earless ones.....um.....look mutilated to me. But I could get used to them, too.

Fencing is a huge factor. Goats are nimble and clever. They also climb fencing to get at tasty things above and beyond the fence. They can jump. They can go boneless and squeeze through impossibly small holes. My obese pygmies could get into the chicken coop until I made the door barely big enough for the chickens!

Your dh needs to be exposed to some well-cared for, loved, and loving goats, especially the babies. The babies are more fun than puppies!

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Thanks for your insight!! I think goats are naughty and anything naughty steals my heart EVERYTIME! I agree, I love them and their personalities better.

O.k. Thank you!!

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