I wish I knew, but maybe somebody will see with the answer soon. I hope she gets better fast.
Big disclaimer. I am Not an expert but I want goats so I've been reading lots on them.
My instincts are saying some B vitamins may help her energy level. If she doesn't want a bottle, maybe smearing a touch of molasses on her mouth will get her started. It's nutritious and might make her remember she likes food/drink. A little ACV in water helps perk animals up too sometimes. I hope her appetite comes back soon, since that's usually a sign an animal is improving.
Some extra body heat may help. Could one of the other animals sleep with her? Does her breathing seem normal?
Can you call a vet for some advice? I wish Blackbird was around. He is young but he is great with goats.
she pooped good during the night - no runs or anything. But, she keeps spitting up and spitting out her cud - if that makes sense.
I keep washing off her face and mouth to keep it cleaned. I think she must have inhaled some of her cud, because her breathing sounds like she has snots in her nose. Almost sounds congested.
does she have a temperature??? that might help determine if she's sick or just recovering from being soaked.
you might want to check with Roll Farms over on byh.... she's a good resource. but i would ah.. ahem... er.. that is.. check with her directly. and ksalvango (if she is around) is always good.
Yes, a B complex for her asap. If she is throwing up still, a little veg oil and baking soda to settle her stomach. If she has been off the bottle for a while, she may not have the compartment of her stomach that digests milk working anymore...not sure how long it takes to shrink and become inactive, but drinking from a bottle directs stuff to that compartment and it is for milk only. No food for a day or so if she was vomiting, too. No milk, either, just water.
I'll see if I can find the amounts of oil/bs I was told to give Plum last year. She is grown up, had a healthy buckling and is producing a fine amount of milk now, so don't worry. Plum coated the entire inside of her 5'x11' stall, and her sister, with her puke before I found her so sick in the morning, too.
thanks, OFG, I was reading some posts over on BYH about stressed goats (I'm too uh chicken to post publickly over there )
I haven't taken her temp - do I do that rectally (ah poor lael!) and what is a normal goat temp?
She feels cool to the touch, so I was trying to keep her warm.
emilosevich (who I got her from) thinks she may be just stressed - so I'm gonna try vit B Complex and get some nutri-drench at the feedstore. And if that doesn't work.....
She's sleeping a lot - and I'm telling you, I was really afraid last night she wouldn't pull through the night, but she's never gone flat out - I mean like laying flat out - but laying like a goat normally would.