going GF? test results...


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I am glad that your iron and B are good :thumbsup

Brace yourself though....if you don't get the diagnosis that you are hoping for, keep up the GF because it may still make you feel better. AND no matter what, get a copy of your lab results!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yeah, I'm bracing myself....hubby looked at me the other day and says "so what if everything comes back normal" with that LOOK.

You know the one, the one that says "all this is in your head" :(

I don't want to lie to him but if that comes back normal I'm gonna lose it. I can't keep having to defend myself over and over to him and everyone else EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Yesterday he started in on the homeschooling thing....again....our son is 5. Just cause I don't "do school" every day doesn't mean he isn't learning stuff. He thinks I should have a stack of workbook pages and projects done every day to "prove" that my child is smart.

I just can't win.

We went to dinner at a friends house last night and she told me that she was making baked spaghetti and garlic bread with a salad. I brought a container of homemade soup for me and ate the salad with everyone else. His response to it...."oh great, so I have to eat her food but you don't have to" He doesn't like her cooking.

What else does he want me to do...get sick? I have been able to poop the last two days without taking a stool softener. So happy about that. He doesn't have that problem.

I just hate having to rationalize it when the tests all come back "normal"


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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You can always come up and stay with me Lori, but I'm not sure how appealing the city would be to you..

We can start a celibacy club! :lol:


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
have you let him read your journal? I think it would do him some good to read how you feel, and what other people are saying. I am still willing to bet your results come fairly close to normal, since you had cut back on gluten before you took the test.

Even if the test comes back normal, you must continue doing what your body tells you is right.

Come January, I will be perfecting gluten free baking, because it makes me feel better. I will still continue to bake sourdough for my family, but for the sake of my health, I can no longer have gluten.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sometimes the best way for them to understand is to experience it for themselves, even if it's just for a short period of time, and even if it's not due to the same thing. My hubby was getting vertigo attacks for a few days. He described what he was going thru then asked, is this what you live with? It gave him a whole new appreciation for the amount that I'm able to get done in spite of being a "dizzy broad".


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
That's funny!

I think he is just of the mindset that if the tests come back normal then that must mean that nothing is wrong. You have to realize that we have gone through and continue to go through my libido issues and all my test results there were "within normal limits". Which reminds me that I need to call and get a hard copy of my test results from that.

He thinks that doctors should know everything, even though he refuses to go to the doctor unless he is dying. Seriously.

He cut his finger to the bone one time and duck taped it closed and then stitched it up when he got home himself. That was a fun afternoon. :sick

He has been told all his life that he is not supposed to complain about anything and that you should just "suck it up and deal". But then he gets on my when I don't want to go to the doctor anymore cause everyone keeps telling me that it is all in my head cause my test results keep coming back normal. Then he just looks at me with that look that says...."well, maybe they're right"

Then he calls his aunt J, who has debilitating fibromyalgia and tells her to check into celiacs and see if that is something that could explain her symptoms.

Its the wishy-washy sh*! that gets on my nerves. :)


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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lorihadams said:
That's funny!

I think he is just of the mindset that if the tests come back normal then that must mean that nothing is wrong. You have to realize that we have gone through and continue to go through my libido issues and all my test results there were "within normal limits". Which reminds me that I need to call and get a hard copy of my test results from that.

He thinks that doctors should know everything, even though he refuses to go to the doctor unless he is dying. Seriously.

He cut his finger to the bone one time and duck taped it closed and then stitched it up when he got home himself. That was a fun afternoon. :sick

He has been told all his life that he is not supposed to complain about anything and that you should just "suck it up and deal". But then he gets on my when I don't want to go to the doctor anymore cause everyone keeps telling me that it is all in my head cause my test results keep coming back normal. Then he just looks at me with that look that says...."well, maybe they're right"

Then he calls his aunt J, who has debilitating fibromyalgia and tells her to check into celiacs and see if that is something that could explain her symptoms.

Its the wishy-washy sh*! that gets on my nerves. :)
I would be curious to see what they consider normal for you.
I know Adrenal Fatigue is Fibro, and I know that can mess with the thyroid, though all the while it still looks normal.
And Celiacs is notoriously hard to detect.
Especially the Neuro kind.

Many people struggle with not being true to themselves or others, because its not something they were taught.
One thing that I am still learning, is at the very bottom of the pile of allergies and other issues like libido, is Stress.

Lady Henevere

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 24, 2009
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Los Angeles County
Perhaps hubby would be more sympathetic if he heard someone else's story? "Gluten free girl" Shauna Ahern articulates her symptoms and diagnosis nicely, including the total despair that sets in when you feel awful but tests are "normal," and she talks about butting heads with her doctor who insisted that celiac is so rare that it was not worth being tested for. (She refused to accept this and went to a naturopath instead, who ordered tests. It was celiac.)

http://glutenfreegirlabout.blogspot.com/ Scroll down past the two photos to where she starts talking about 2005.


Power Conserver
Feb 22, 2010
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Going GF is the biggest step I've made in improving this miasma of health issues. If I had a dime for every time some (*&^(*& told me it was in my head or stress, I would be very rich. I finally stuck to it, following up, insisting, researching, sticking to my idea that this isn't how to live.

I am true-allergic to milk (all species), soy, penicillin and other molds and a few other drugs.

I am gluten-sensitive HIGHLY despite negative tests.

I am hyper sensitive to many, many things - particulates, chemicals, drugs, foods. Lungs, digestion, absorption all twitchy. Lifelong low blood sugar is graduating to slowly to real diabetes. I even don't absorb the drugs to knock me out for surgery correctly.

STICK to your guns!!! Just smile, and say, "well, it works for me, just like thousands of others 'diagnosed' with (fill in: fibromyalgia, crazies, arthritis, asthma, stress, blah, blah, blah).

"Ah ha-yave ah del- ee - kat constituuuution"

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