My 9th grader is currently using Math U See. She watches the DVD and has no trouble. I think you can vary the amount of work you do. She says it is easier than Abeka.
We've always made sure our kids understood the basics really well - the stuff we know they'll use. Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Long division, basic fractions, etc. So if they have to calculate gas mileage, or square footage, or percentages, or the best price per ounce, they know how.
Has anyone used this curriculum? I am thinking about the monarch program for our kids next year. I want something fully computer based if possible.
My daughter used it when she was staying with friends for a while - they used it for their kids and she schooled along with them. The mom uses it exclusively for her birth and adopted kids both. She leaves out the Religion curriculum because some of it disagrees with her beliefs.
Our kids were doing K-12, through the local school district. This is available in some states, you might check in yours. The curriculum is hard for some kids, because it is all computer based in the upper grades (less so in the lower grades). The schools fund the program, the parents are the learning coaches, with teachers in the schools to assist as needed.
There were good and bad things about it. We lost a LOT of freedom by going to it. But we gained some time because the teachers handled many things that we'd have had to otherwise.
It will be interesting trying to find our legs again with homeschooling, along with the other changes with our move - an entire lifestyle and income generation change, major changes in the roles Kevin and I play in the home, and a much different environment to make it all happen in.