Goodbye? Penpals?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Some members are leaving
With a reason to flee
They want more privacy
With a voice to be free...

Free from prying eyes
And judgement of posts
On the IOT there are many lies
And who can you trust the most?

There used to be other ways
That people will no longer do
Things always change, never expect things to be the same
Take advantage of today

Okay I'm out of rhymes, and don't have time to put effort into it at this time.

What about Penpals? An old, outdated idea of course. I know chances of anyone actually wanting to sit down, write a letter, (especially in cursive!) mail it, and someone on the other end waiting what seems to be months and months to receive it, especially in these days of everything RIGHT NOW!

ZERO to NONE that anyone is going to participate.

Just an idea...


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Hey Janet I won't be participating as a penpal, but I am leaving. Thanks for starting this thread.

In hind sight... "We The People" should have been more attentive, involved and vocal. Include in your research both noahide laws (sometimes called noachian laws) and as you already noted, Agenda 21. Connect the dots and draw you're own conclusions. But in all honesty, "We The People" should have never became complacent at all. Now "We The People" are now staring at the consequences of complacency, left searching for answers.

My faith is in God Almighty the star-spangled banner will continue to wave for the land of the free and the home of the brave. But I also believe It would be wise for to take note of 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Some members are leaving
With a reason to flee
They want more privacy
With a voice to be free...

Free from prying eyes
And judgement of posts
On the IOT there are many lies
And who can you trust the most?

There used to be other ways
That people will no longer do
Things always change, never expect things to be the same
Take advantage of today

Okay I'm out of rhymes, and don't have time to put effort into it at this time.

What about Penpals? An old, outdated idea of course. I know chances of anyone actually wanting to sit down, write a letter, (especially in cursive!) mail it, and someone on the other end waiting what seems to be months and months to receive it, especially in these days of everything RIGHT NOW!

ZERO to NONE that anyone is going to participate.

Just an idea...

writing by hand is too slow and hard for others to read. i much prefer e-mail and have in the past had long conversations with some friends over that route, but alas with the creation of social media pretty much all of my older pen-pals have either died or faded away.

i have a few contacts that a few times a year we write back and forth, but none of the longer ones any more.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
I have had penpals for decades :) I love handwriting letters but over the years the postage costs add up... So I rarely send anything through snail mail anymore as chatting online via email, forums or chat rooms is much quicker and MUCH cheaper.

Why are people leaving? I feel quite detatched from what is going on elsewhere from down under. A bit like when that global recession happened, and it didnt happen here. It was all doom and gloom online yet my every day life was absolutely unaffected (as it largely has been with covid). I have noticed people freaking out on twitter too. I dont really understand why people are so frightened and confused, because I dont have those experiences. I am disabled, so my life has pretty much been one of poverty, health imposed lockdowns and medical merry go rounds for a long time. Its still worth living.

There is some wonderful garden knowledge and self sufficient ideas on here, it sucks that politics has seeped into every nook and cranny when it has nothing to do with what we've come here for.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Thanks for replies. Unfortunately, and against the forum rules, politics has crept in almost everywhere. It has not, that I've seen, crept into the SS Cafe. so @Daisy you could visit there for a cup of Jo and light conversation.

You're right @flowerbug, handwriting takes time, and may be difficult to read. However I never had trouble reading letters in the past. I actually would probably would not hand write letters, since I'm pretty sure I would get a hand cramp! People do prefer e-mail, as it's a quick response. I do miss past times though, and would participate.

I tried to send a pm, but was not allowed to. So, anyone interested has to pm me!


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I have had penpals for decades :) I love handwriting letters but over the years the postage costs add up... So I rarely send anything through snail mail anymore as chatting online via email, forums or chat rooms is much quicker and MUCH cheaper.

Why are people leaving? I feel quite detatched from what is going on elsewhere from down under. A bit like when that global recession happened, and it didnt happen here. It was all doom and gloom online yet my every day life was absolutely unaffected (as it largely has been with covid). I have noticed people freaking out on twitter too. I dont really understand why people are so frightened and confused, because I dont have those experiences. I am disabled, so my life has pretty much been one of poverty, health imposed lockdowns and medical merry go rounds for a long time. Its still worth living.

i'm not fully disabled but i do have my challenges too. i don't consider it a problem for me as long as someone else doesn't put me on a schedule or start complaining that i can't get enough done all at once. i'm very greatful that the management here is happy with me as i am and as i am able. we get enough done, we take care of almost an entire acre of gardens and decorations and keep the house up and still have time for other things too. so really i don't have any complaints at all about how it goes here.

life is always worth living, we have a pretty morbid sense of humor here so we manage to laugh even in the middle of some trying times. then we pick up and keep on, keeping on. i refuse to be miserable or to make myself even more miserable and i do make choices to ignore or discourage negative people from visiting or wasting my time. i think happiness is worth defending as much as freedom of how to spend my time and attention.

having lived a pretty simple life most of my life i don't also notice as much in the current situation or the past because i've structured my life so that the wider world isn't a major issue most of the time. also, that i'm pretty well versed in microbial life and sciences in general that none of the recent happenings are much of a surprise.

There is some wonderful garden knowledge and self sufficient ideas on here, it sucks that politics has seeped into every nook and cranny when it has nothing to do with what we've come here for.

there's only a few people who dwell on those off-topics and i ignore them if that is all they care to talk about. and others who only post about covid or religion i'll also ignore.

for gardening i consider TEG much more on focus and it is where i started out so that is my first choice in reading and writing. enough that i often don't make it here to see what is up.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 29, 2018
Reaction score
SW Michigan
Absolute truth!
People (supposedly) have been healed by happiness. I don't personally know of anyone, but in a book I read over the winter were accounts of cancer victims who took on a regime of laughing, and were healed. The accounts didn't say what other lifestyle changes were implemented. In other readings, about long lived cultures that all of the elderly were active and capable, happiness and contentment was one ingredient.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Well, happiness and contentment means little stress. It's mental and your physical body responds. I correspond with an aging aunt, by marriage, and we both enjoy the letters. It used to be the main source of communication between distanced friends and relatives. We relive many family happenings, as well as our current lives. Sometimes it's a journal as we start and add to letters before they are mailed. Often a couple weeks worth of happenings. ;)

She has no email use or we'd probably use that avenue.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
People (supposedly) have been healed by happiness. I don't personally know of anyone, but in a book I read over the winter were accounts of cancer victims who took on a regime of laughing, and were healed. The accounts didn't say what other lifestyle changes were implemented. In other readings, about long lived cultures that all of the elderly were active and capable, happiness and contentment was one ingredient.

if you compare life in the past 100yrs to what it is like for me (something 50 years old) i think i've had it much easier in some regards. i clearly did not have to cope with the Great Depression or the Dust Bowl or many other things, but also by now i've also seen my own share of things, the recent ups and downs, Viet Nam, the race riots, market crashes and bailouts, etc. the current pandemic (as horrible as it is) is yet just another episode and survival is the goal, survival with a sense of humor and some idea of being able to get done what i would like to get done is up there. so far that is about what i see around me too. most people are coping as best they can and getting done what they need to do.

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