Got my exercise... more roosters

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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@crealbilly I haven't tried orpingtons yet, but I have heard they are amazing actually. We know a guy who raises meat birds and he had one customer who paid him a fortune to raise buff orpingtons for him. Supposedly delicious. I am curious...


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Last summer we butchered 32 Delaware roosters. I cut the breast meat off, vacuum sealed it and froze it. I cut the meat off the legs and thighs and canned it. I boiled the leg and thigh bones, the backs, and made broth, which I canned. I canned the bony back parts in quart jars with rice, squash and green beans for dog food. They LOVED it!

for a quick meal, I can open a pint of chicken meat, it's already cooked. I used the breast meat in stir fry or I breaded and fried them. Either way, the breast meat was good. Not a lot of breast meat on a Delaware, certainly not like the double D boobies on a store bought chicken, Cornish cross. Because it takes longer for a heritage breed to grow off versus a Cornish cross, the meat is "firmer" which is a marketing double speak for "tough and chewy". The flavor is very good. Cornish cross meat is soft and mushy, there isn't much flavor, but there is a LOT more meat.

I look at it as I have raised them, fed them, I know what they ate and how they were treated. Why wouldn't I eat them? Currently I have 2 pens of EE's that most look to be roosters. As soon as they reveal themselves to me, they are going to be slaughtered. Last Sunday afternoon, we butchered the mean EE rooster that hated me, and I hated him. He had testicles the size of golf balls! No wonder he was so mean, his gonads were 10 times the size of his birdy brain! He was a year and a half old, REAL tough to skin, and I soaked the carcass in salty ice water until bedtime, then I bagged it up and put it in the refrigerator. I let it rest for several days, then simmered it all day long. That mean old %*#$ rooster made some deep yellow rich broth, the dark meat was a dark chocolate color and very tasty. I packed it in the broth and put it in the freezer for now.

I am looking for "that" breed of chicken. Delaware ain't it. Next I will try Australorp and Speckled Sussex. I figure by raising my own, the roos go for meat, frozen or canned, the old hens go for meat, makes fine chicken and dumplings.

@crealbilly the roosters you have will taste good. They won't look or taste like store bought. The meat will be "firm" :lol: so sharpen up your appetite and maybe you won't notice so much. It might help to thaw the carcass in the refrigerator, let it "rest" several days, then soak the carcass in cold, slightly salty water in the refrigerator 24 hours, then prepare it for frying. Some people rest their chickens in the refrigerator 3-5 days before putting them in the freezer.

You will have to let us know how the Orps turn out.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
The growth rate of the heritage breeds makes them older than a tender fryer would normally be, IMO. :idunno But, chicken & dumplings are good or slow cook for chicken salad, pot pies, etc.
How you butcher, handle to age meat, all factor in. Baymule does more of this than I have in years. Maybe she'll chime in.

That's why you see people raising the meat bird types if they are looking to seriously fill the freezer, 6-12 week old birds.

I raised about 35 Jumbo Cornish Cross last year in two batches. 20 roos in the spring and 15 hens in late summer. The roos are awesome stuffed and baked in the oven. The hens are less tasty (very bland) but are good breaded and fried. I was going to raise more CCX this year but my Buff Orpengtons went broody, so I let them hatch out three broods instead. Now I got lots of of buff orpengtons.

Buff Orpengtons well orpengtons in general are supposed to be a good eating chicken. IDK... its my first time rasing them so I'm about to find out. I'll let you all know what I think.

I stand corrected after looking back through my notes - I raised two batches of 15 last year for a total of 30.
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Last summer we butchered 32 Delaware roosters. I cut the breast meat off, vacuum sealed it and froze it. I cut the meat off the legs and thighs and canned it. I boiled the leg and thigh bones, the backs, and made broth, which I canned. I canned the bony back parts in quart jars with rice, squash and green beans for dog food. They LOVED it!

for a quick meal, I can open a pint of chicken meat, it's already cooked. I used the breast meat in stir fry or I breaded and fried them. Either way, the breast meat was good. Not a lot of breast meat on a Delaware, certainly not like the double D boobies on a store bought chicken, Cornish cross. Because it takes longer for a heritage breed to grow off versus a Cornish cross, the meat is "firmer" which is a marketing double speak for "tough and chewy". The flavor is very good. Cornish cross meat is soft and mushy, there isn't much flavor, but there is a LOT more meat.

I look at it as I have raised them, fed them, I know what they ate and how they were treated. Why wouldn't I eat them? Currently I have 2 pens of EE's that most look to be roosters. As soon as they reveal themselves to me, they are going to be slaughtered. Last Sunday afternoon, we butchered the mean EE rooster that hated me, and I hated him. He had testicles the size of golf balls! No wonder he was so mean, his gonads were 10 times the size of his birdy brain! He was a year and a half old, REAL tough to skin, and I soaked the carcass in salty ice water until bedtime, then I bagged it up and put it in the refrigerator. I let it rest for several days, then simmered it all day long. That mean old %*#$ rooster made some deep yellow rich broth, the dark meat was a dark chocolate color and very tasty. I packed it in the broth and put it in the freezer for now.

I am looking for "that" breed of chicken. Delaware ain't it. Next I will try Australorp and Speckled Sussex. I figure by raising my own, the roos go for meat, frozen or canned, the old hens go for meat, makes fine chicken and dumplings.

@crealbilly the roosters you have will taste good. They won't look or taste like store bought. The meat will be "firm" :lol: so sharpen up your appetite and maybe you won't notice so much. It might help to thaw the carcass in the refrigerator, let it "rest" several days, then soak the carcass in cold, slightly salty water in the refrigerator 24 hours, then prepare it for frying. Some people rest their chickens in the refrigerator 3-5 days before putting them in the freezer.

You will have to let us know how the Orps turn out.

Will do... I may just do a few roos tomorrow and stick them in the fridge and bake one later in the week. I've also heard the same about putting them in the fridge 3 to 5 days before freezing so I'm going to try it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I've also heard the same about putting them in the fridge 3 to 5 days before freezing so I'm going to try it.
That's what we do too. The first chickens we ever butchered came out like rubber because we put them straight in the freezer. Not a mistake we made again.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
I have never noticed a dofference between the roo and hen cornish x. That's interesting. I have some white orpington hens and I'm curious how their offspring will be as table birds crossed with one of my 3 roos. Next year will be full of interesting experiments, lol.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I have never noticed a dofference between the roo and hen cornish x. That's interesting. I have some white orpington hens and I'm curious how their offspring will be as table birds crossed with one of my 3 roos. Next year will be full of interesting experiments, lol.

I was kind of surprised also - but there was a stark difference in taste. I processed both roos and hens in-between weeks 9 & 10 and fed the the exact same feed 21% meatbird 12 on 12 off and ACV water at the rate of 1 cap full per gallon of water. I also fasted them for 24 hours prior to butchering but still had acv water. This cleans out there crop and also their intestines so no poop while processing.

Olive oil, salt, pepper, stuffed with stove top.

Covered with tin foil baked @ 400 degrees for 30 mins, then 350 degrees for 1 1/2 ~ 2 hours Pour off a little drippings to make milk flour gravy. Then bake uncovered @ 450 for 10 to 15 mins to brown the skin.


My wife and I can only eat 1/2 at a time.

We eat the left overs and what's left of the left overs goes into making chicken soup. So good...
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NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
You're making me hungry! That looks delicious.

I have found a large taste difference in pork from barrows vs. gilts but haven't noticed a difference with the hens vs. Roos. Of course we get mostly roos when we order. (we will only raise female pigs now as a side note)


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
That's what we do too. The first chickens we ever butchered came out like rubber because we put them straight in the freezer. Not a mistake we made again.

Thank you for the confirmation. I really like this site you are are amazing... I learn something new every time I visit. What a great site for a small town guy gone country :)