Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Yes, you can run both on same pasture. You don't want breeding males all together...fights. plus any grains be careful as sheep do not tolerate copper the way goats do, who need more. Depending on breed of sheep or goat, IMO the goats would prefer the steeper, rugged area more. But I don't raise sheep. They seem to work as a good mower where goats like to grab a few bites and move, especially grabbing at higher levels ... In general.
Meat goats. Kiko, savannah, boer.....depending on what's available for you. All can be not the best of breed if not bred well. So know that you want stocky. I have had some good crossbred does perform well, costing less up front, especially when covered by a really good buck! I will post some pics for you when on other computer where they are. Visuals help. Plus, this tablet has auto correct and I can assure you, it isn't farm friendly with language! Lot of proof reading.....
oh, I personally like boer as they were what I raised and found good temperament, easy kidding, fast growth and excellent sales. Good carcass to meat ratio. Savannah's are good but not easy to get here.
Meat goats. Kiko, savannah, boer.....depending on what's available for you. All can be not the best of breed if not bred well. So know that you want stocky. I have had some good crossbred does perform well, costing less up front, especially when covered by a really good buck! I will post some pics for you when on other computer where they are. Visuals help. Plus, this tablet has auto correct and I can assure you, it isn't farm friendly with language! Lot of proof reading.....