EXCELLENT! So glad she made it through with flying colors and is already home to heal. Did the package get there today?big brown horse said:Navajo, Sam got to come home today.She took a 4 hour nap as soon as she got here.
I'm getting some of the recipes from an e book I ordered called simply "The Paleo Cookbook", some from Mark's Daily Apple, some just from searching on line in different food blogs etc.The beet soup recipe came from Country Living Magazine. Sam had to eat hospital food for two days and I wanted to get a really healthy soup into her ASAP.
I added chipotle seasoning to the "adult" version of the soup. It made it even better.
Okiegirl, did I mention that goat's milk anything (and sheep's milk too) is supposed to be very easy to digest for most people? I got the goat cheese stuffed peppers recipe off the bag the peppers came in.![]()
Only have a minute here, but wanted to say I am REALLY glad Sam is bouncing back so quickly!big brown horse said:She is doing great, thanks for asking!
Navajo, I understand totally the blah-ness of foods. I was getting sick of my old standbys as well. I have done some searching for more flavorful dishes lately. Do you have a crock pot? I found this great blog http://www.lifeasaplate.com/2011/03/24/thai-beef-lettuce-wraps/ with some crock pot recipes for us.Tonight I'm making the thai beef lettuce wraps, tomorrow I'm going to make her shredded chicken stuffed bell peppers. I've actually found some great food blogs (for folks eating this way) on facebook. I will share every one of them.