Crazy Cat Lady
I am guessing you don't have Concord grapes down that far south, David?davaroo said:The purple "grape jam" we are familir with is kind of a put on, anyway, a too-good-to-be-true outcome. Especially the color looks trumped up. I wonder just how much real grape is in that stuff?
"Real" grape jam or jelly is whatever color the fruit is, unless one adds coloring.
Jelly from Concord grapes (or for that matter, jam from Coronation which are similar in appearance to Concord but seedless although also a bit less grapey tasting) looks virtually IDENTICAL to storeboughten grape jelly. Tastes pretty similar too.
That in fact is why I am not big on making it... I do not have great mental associations with storeboughten grape jelly or grape lollipops, so going to all that trouble to make something so relatively close to it is a bit depressing

I actually made a batch of grape jam last night, when I get a chance I will take a photo for you