big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
This one sounds yummy, I would dip crisp granny smilth apple slices in this one! 
Farmer's Fondue:
2 cups of cubed Herkimer, Cornhusker, or other sharp Cheddar Cheese
4 oz butter (one stick)
6 eggs, well beaten
Paprika, cayenne, fresh-ground pepper and salt
Over low hear, melt cheese, add butter and cook together with eggs until mixture is thinck and smooth, stirring constantly. Add seasonings to taste and blend together. (Do not let it come to a boil.)

Farmer's Fondue:
2 cups of cubed Herkimer, Cornhusker, or other sharp Cheddar Cheese
4 oz butter (one stick)
6 eggs, well beaten
Paprika, cayenne, fresh-ground pepper and salt
Over low hear, melt cheese, add butter and cook together with eggs until mixture is thinck and smooth, stirring constantly. Add seasonings to taste and blend together. (Do not let it come to a boil.)