Grocery shopping update


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
FarmerChick said:
you sure are doing well on that monthly total.

hey, when you do a quarterly bulk buy ---what kind of money are you dropping at one time? just wondering. Cause I thought of "loading" up at a bulk store but honestly I can't swing like $300-400 to do a big stock up at one time. I just ain't got it, but if I did like you.....and spend more once a quarter, then I could save the other weeks I guess without shelling out so much....Hmmm....I might actually be confusing myself..HA HA

I swear the older I get the more I don't care....I care, but don't care. You know what I mean..LOL
We buy our bulk grains at the local Amish store. I can't swing that much for a large order, either. You have to remember, its just dh and I these days; so a bulk order might be 25# to 50# of an item purchased at one time. If I am buying flours, grains, lentils, we could spend upwards $125.

When our two children were home and dh and I were both working, it was easier to go grocery shopping every week. Back then I was the corporate ladder climber and rarely purchased anything in bulk. :D


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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FarmerChick said:
I think that is how my bill gets jacked up. Sale on TP....well I have tons of it but we will need it forever ya here I go spending $ (but saving money) LOL

I guess I do need to keep it in perspective about what money is being spent on sales etc. Like the baking items you said. On sale, why pay higher later when you want these items.

So I guess I need to keep it in my mind that I am not just spending this money on crap...LOL-LOL. it is money spent for the reason it should be.

I hate sales in a way. You don't really need anything, they drag ya into the store cause you want that sale, buy more cause you can...and voila, more spent..LOL

water diet for this family....nah, we like to eat..HA HA
But once the holidays are over the great sales will be over too for awhile anyway & then you won't be buying as much. I am hoping for another butter sale this next week or I am doomed for sale butter this yr!! :th
The freezers will be full as is the pantry & not much to buy then the garden will start coming in & no need to buy the produce as we grow it ourselves & put up the extras for later, so bill stays down longer. Then the holidays roll around again & we spend more on stock up supplies. viscous cycle but it has to be done to save in the long run.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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well come to think of it alot of my money went into the produce dept. this time while shopping....duh, I didn't think that our fields are spent.

I bought a cucumber, kill me OK....LOL...I hate buying what I grow tons of and don't have any right now..HA HA

I did buy 2 cantaloupe at $2.99 ea which broke my heart but I wanted one bad. I love them to the max and so does Nicole.

I did buy blueberries and raspberries on sale but I guess I did drop a bit in the good food dept..HA HA HA

oh no, normal sale butter prices! run for the hills....I know will hit on that fab $1.50 lb deal again and when you do stock up....even if it means buying and then turning around and buying a second limit! stock up while ya can!~


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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I have been known to do that, I buy the limit & take it out to my vehicle & then turn around & go right back into the store to get more. When we were on disability & there was a really great sale on something & a small limit on them I would take the limit thru one line, Don would take the limit thru one line & Scott would take the limit thru one line too. And sometimes we would all go out to the car & while Don was loading everything Scott & I would go back in & get the limit again! Back then if it was a too good to pass up deal we did not pass it up at all! I also have gone back another day to get a limit too. Keeping my fingers crossed for the butter to go back on sale this week again. Last time they ran out & I had to get a raincheck with a limit of 10. Should have goten 2 rainchecks & then I could have gotten 20 at that price. That would last a little while in my house but not all yr long. Butter usually goes on sale around Easter too so I replenish & stock up then also.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Homesteadmom said:
I have been known to do that, I buy the limit & take it out to my vehicle & then turn around & go right back into the store to get more. When we were on disability & there was a really great sale on something & a small limit on them I would take the limit thru one line, Don would take the limit thru one line & Scott would take the limit thru one line too. And sometimes we would all go out to the car & while Don was loading everything Scott & I would go back in & get the limit again! Back then if it was a too good to pass up deal we did not pass it up at all! I also have gone back another day to get a limit too. Keeping my fingers crossed for the butter to go back on sale this week again. Last time they ran out & I had to get a raincheck with a limit of 10. Should have goten 2 rainchecks & then I could have gotten 20 at that price. That would last a little while in my house but not all yr long. Butter usually goes on sale around Easter too so I replenish & stock up then also.
That is a an awesome way to do it!!
This is where having lots of kiddos comes in handy!! I will let my kiddos check out in the same line as I am in as long as it does not say 'limit so many per family'. Anyone that is paying is consider a customer...kid or not. They legally can not deny a kid as a customer even if she is 3!!:D My local Micheal's store is great about it and never gives me a bad time about my kiddos all using a coupon. Most of the time they just hand the change right back to me instead of the kids!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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I had to read this thread as we're always trying to cut $$ at the grocery store. I appreciate the good ideas shared.
But lately, as we go over our budget we find that there isn't much left to cut. We already buy in bulk from the Amish bulk store, we garden and can/freeze,dehydrate what we need. It's taken a few years, but this year we are finally raising all of our own meat - beef, pork and poultry. Our cows also give us milk so that supplies us with all the milk we need, butter, mozzarella, yogurt and a few other cheeses I attempt. Our hens are usually quite good to us.
That brings us to needing less from the grocery store, but still spending a lot with the ever-increasing prices.

Now, my DH isn't working (up in the air if/when he'll be called back) so I tend to just stay home. Then, I really can't spend. We stop for fresh fruit and veggies about every two weeks. Like Homesteadmom, I always stock up on baking supplies this time of year. Although, not as much since buying in bulk.

I got a laugh about the TP stocking up Farmerchick. We do the same thing. But, it only makes sense to save on something you flush away anyway. And, it's not something we are willing to cut from the buget yet.LOL

So, I guess I don't have anything to add, but thanks for sharing your ideas and I'll keep watching for more. It's good to know like-minding folks, especially during these difficult times.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Welcome Prairegirl! I grind my own wheat so flour is not bought to often & I use honey or agave to sweeten with instead of sugar & I buy those thru an organic buying club in bulk. So the real baking supplies I stock up on is the baking chips they are so cheap this time of yr usually. Hoping they are sale again this week too so I can get a few more bags as I found more coupons for them too.


Power Conserver
Jan 1, 2009
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inchworm said:
Can I put chocolate, pizza, and ice cream und;)er miscellaneous expenses?
We make our own pizza and ice cream!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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prairiegirl said:
I got a laugh about the TP stocking up Farmerchick. We do the same thing. But, it only makes sense to save on something you flush away anyway. And, it's not something we are willing to cut from the buget yet.LOL
Have you considered making your own TP?? So far I am the only person in my house that uses it. I made some out of cut up receiving blankets that I got at Goodwill and that a lady from my church gave me. I was able to get 12 clothes TP rags out of one receiving blanket. I figure I save over two rolls of TP a week just by using them for myself...because I think I go a million times a day being pg. I bought a snap top lid from Target for $6 or $7 and sat that right next to the potty so I just put them in it and then wash them with my towels.
I have not made any for the boys, DH, or DD because I am afraid they will accidently flush them and then clog the potty!:ep If you look on Etsy I think under cloth wipes you can see fleece ones that are stronger and color coordinated for the whole family. I think they want like a $1 per wipe. But, if you have a sewing machine you can make them for much cheaper.
I will have to post a pic of the wipes that I made for the baby to my blog so you can see what they look like. I used pink receiving blankets for the baby's wipes and yellow ones for me. So, I will post the pink non used ones when I get around to it. Then I did blue receiving blankets for tissues to blow our noses with. As soon as it is garage sale and rummage sale season I am going to look baskets that they will fit in so I can have the tissues sitting in designated spots around the house where the boxes of kleenex's used to sit.
Just something for you to consider.