Guess I'll try again.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Weather has been good again for a few days. Don't expect that to last, but it sure has been nice. 50's today.
Gladys is behaving again...finally! 1.51 gallons this AM. Have gone to a OAD schedule. I like that a LOT better. She may prefer it now but at first she wasn't very happy about that.
Garden is definitely done for this year...
Self-isolation here on the farm is par for the course. I'd hate to live in a city with all those whiners. Out here, there's no one for 1/2 mile in any direction. The only person who comes near us is the mailman and the UPS driver.
Hoping to see this entire thing eventually abate with no casualties on my farm.
Cases in nearby towns are soaring because of "Covid Fatigue". Everyone got tired of it. It wasn't fun or novel they went back to "life as it had been" and the result has been a catastrophe.

Hope all here are smarter than that!
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Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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It's 16*F tonight. Brrr. Had to let the dogs in.
Winter is trying to decide whether it wants to stay or not. We had two weeks or so of heavy snow and temperatures in the teens.

Cow now on once a day. That makes my life a lot better.

Covid seems to be plaguing the world...out here on the farm, social distancing is in the realm of at least 1/2 mile in any direction and maybe two miles to the south... We stay home because we live on a farm, not because some "know-it-all" with no more degrees than I have tells us to do that. Being smart helps a lot.

This pandemic is going to change the world. People who are "tired" of the precautions, will invariably kill many others because they don't' want to believe the disease is a serious as it is. Yes, you get over it...this time. But next time? Or how about the secondary organ failures that happen once you've gotten it? Think about that.

It seems to me that this came at a particularly interesting time. 1 year before an election is only one of the "interesting" details. I guess we'll all have to figure out how to adapt to the changes but it just seems like there are a lot of folks who are just "tired of it now." "It isn't fun any more..." So they want to go back to the way it was. Good luck with that.

O, yes, there's going to be a vaccine. Pfizer said it's 95% effective. I wonder how they figured that out? I wonder when they will publish the side-effect profile of this vaccine. What about the 5 people that got this disease after using the vaccine? O, and don't forget, they aren't saying how long it will confer immunity to those 95 of 100. Natural infection lasts for about 12 weeks according to the infectious disease specialists. But then the CEO of Pfizer sold ALL HIS STOCK in the company, Hmmm, I wonder what he knows that we don't know?

Have fun out there. Stay away from everyone and remember Avoidance is the ONLY DEFENSE.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
There are articles out there that tell the truth about the vaccines, not on spooky conspiracy sites either.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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This post is for the "WTF?" department.
About 2 years ago, I decided to put my wind turbine mast to work doing something since the wind turbine is safely locked away in a box unless something really bad happens (Maybe DEC 7 IYKWIM).

So what I did was get about 10 small electric fence pins (3/8" fence posts) and made a SUNDIAL so that I didn't need to look at a clock while I am out in the farmyard. Admittedly, I would have to be north of the pig barn but that isn't all that unusual since the garden is north of the pig barn.

Up until the past several days I really hadn't been paying much attention to the sundial because it just didn't occur to me. Now that I think about it, the cloudy weather has prevented me from using it mostly. But, for the past three days, it has been sunny with a nice clear sky. OK, you say, "So what?"

Well, yesterday while it was obviously clear and quite sunny, I noticed that the sundial is now almost 3 hours OFF. I don't think I have ever noticed that before but this year I did. While I realize that the sun is rising a bit more south each day, it never seemed THAT far off. When I looked at it yesterday, I noticed that the shadow was on the NOON pin. I was shocked, thinking I had wasted more of the morning doing chores than I had I pulled out my trusty iPhone and it said, 0900! How does THAT happen? This morning, I went past the mast to see the shadow and I know it was 0830 when I got there after milking Gladys. The shadow was just to the east of the 1100 hour pin which made some sense in terms of the placement of the shadow with respect to the hour, but it was THAT hour that got my attention.

So, not being a master astronomer, I am baffled by this and at least one other thing. |em3|

For the past two months, WW and I have been watching a VERY BRIGHT STAR in the eastern sky. So what, you say? Well, that star has been there at night and early in the morning for every day since we noticed it. I did a sight alignment with my windmill that is supposed to pump water (another long, not so good story) and the star has moved only SLIGHTLY for the entire time. I took an Azimuth and got 105 degrees...just south of due east. This star has become brighter and still is visible in the same general location at night as it is during the early morning before sunrise...Yes, I am up that early...Remember Gladys? |em8| BUT, in all my days, I have never seen anything that stayed essentially stationary in the sky. However, I am aware that Orion now rises in the east in the morning with his head pointed north. That would put Sirius (the brightest star in the sky) to the northwest (being still below the horizon at that hour) and NOT be this particular "star". The "star" I am talking about shows up just to the south of the (UPPER) first star in Orion's belt.

Anyway, the appearance of this star and the "ERROR" in my sundial has managed to catch my attention and I am bringing it up here in the event that anyone else has noticed these changes or can give me their explanation as to what they think is going on.

This sure has me baffled. |em22|

If you have even a slight clue, please advise so I can stop wondering what the H is going on here?
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Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Well, Today is the 21st day of December at 12:14 pm. I was hoping to check my gnomen but the sky is densely over cast and no sun shadow is available.
Gladys is producing a bit less now...about 4-5 quarts per milking meaning per day.
Weather hovering around the low 30's but often above 32*F.
Critters all doing OK.
Very concerned about current national situation.
Hope all are well.
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Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Not much to tell. Gladys still gives about 4+ quarts/day.
Garden is tilled and was ready to plant but the day after Easter, the temperature went from 60’s to 24°F and it snowed daily for 5 days. The snow usually melted by late afternoon but the temperature stayed cold at night.
Hopefully temperature will trend up and stay up. Plants started in east windows.
WW just came in from locking up the chicken coop for the night.
DD1 with us for 6 months.
Other challenges in life still ongoing in Virginia 😡
Not much is new when you stay away from everything and everyone while living on a farm and avoiding Covid.
Did spend one night in hospital because ticker started missing beats. Discovered it was caused by caffeine so I can’t drink coffee or eat chocolate anymore. I can live without coffee but I am really “Jones’ing” for some chocolate.
Ticker back to normal now after a weeks abstinence. 😞
Hope all are well. Hope spring comes back and STAYS!
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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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Glad to hear you are OK. I enjoy your posts.

The new STAR may be a satellite. Does it flicker like a real star would? There are over 19,000 satellites orbiting the earth and some of them are geosynchronous orbits. Mainly the communication satellites.

Spring has sprung here, but that means cold nights and rainy days. Rainy days means growing grass, so it is turning green out there. We had about 2 weeks of unusually warm weather, but normal temps are back. Frost on the ground some mornings.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
No coffee?? No chocolate?? Man, who did you piss off? My two favorite food groups!


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
G'day all,
Yes, I've been away for a while. It seems that things just keep happening in our world. Today, I got a message from this forum and followed it up but had no idea exactly what occurred. Farmer Jamie posted a note that sounded like someone here made the "Great Transition." I'm guessing Wifezilla. I really don't know.

A lot has happened here on the farm. Gladys will (Hopefully) "deliver on/about 8 AUG all things being equal. I spent the entire month of May in bed with what I think was a cytokine storm from the covid-19 virus, although I have no idea where I might have gotten it. I've remained isolated as much as possible since Nov 19. That has not been all that bad, but for reasons I can't explain, I got really sick. Didn't eat for two weeks or more. BUT, I'm much better now and back on the work schedule as before.

WW is doing well. She just came in from attempting to lock in the chickens. She couldn't do it because the 7 baby birds that hatched on 22 APR weren't home yet. (they are the "junior class"). The freshman class (10 babies were hatched on 19 JUN) so they are in a brooder tank in the coop. The senior class, was abed, wanting to know why WW was out there making such a fuss about closing the door. We keep them locked up at night because of the multiple massacres we've had in the past. Between locking them up and having two dogs out at night, the predators have stayed away.

My DD1 now lives with me for 6 months and her mother 6 months. Her mother has been less than kind about a lot of things, but still expects to be supported financially. WTFO?

Hope all are well. It really has been a long time for me but posting has taken a deep drop since I am so busy on the farm.
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Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Yes, I'm still alive. I just keep to myself and don't expose myself to influenza or any of the other viral illnesses that can not be distinguished from what is being called "SARS-CoV-2" or whatever. Back in 2021, CDC admitted "IN WRITING" that no one has ever produced a purified sample of this. Additionally, no one got the flu this year....Let that sink in.
WW and I are healthy and staying out of the way of others.
The Divorce Settlement was completed on 27 JAN. Long story. WW and I are now able to enjoy life away from the greedy individuals back in Virginia.

Hope all are well and happy. Gladys still producing about 3+ gallons/day. Temperatures staying low. Winds blow all the snow back after I clear it with the snowblower. GRRRR

Looks like the truckers have significantly more "ca ho ne"s than the majority of the American public. It should be interesting to see what happens when they arrive in Washington DC. Fidel Castro's illegitimate son is still in hiding on Vancouver Island...

But hey, what could possibly go wrong?

Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni
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