I got some guineas for my folks a few years back. They ended up putting the cocks in the freezer because they gave the rooster such a bad time. But on the whole they have enjoyed them very much. They are fantastic at bug control and despite their somewhat skitish nature they have risen to the occasion and driven off a stray dog and even flown at a coyote, driving it off. They have not been the best at killing snakes but they do stand around them in a circle and yell until my mom does something about it.
They were housed in a partitioned off section of the coop when they were keets so they identify that as home and go to roost with the chickens at night. Have you ever been around them? They are loud and demanding when asking for treats. Momma spoiled them rotten. Now they come to the back door twice a day asking for a hand out.
If you pop over to Backyard Chickens, there is a whole section on guineas. You'll probably find all you need to know there.
I dream of guineas every time I am hand picking bugs off my veggies, in the garden! They will be my first purchase when I get my "someday" farm! I don't care how loud they are- I am tired of squishing bugs!
We bought 7 guinea keets when we first moved to our wooded land due to ticks and chiggers being so plentiful out here.
We kept them cooped up until they were about 4 months old and then let them free range. We didn't have internet access at the time (no electric) and couldn't find a good book at the library so we pretty much winged it as far as raising them. We did know that they needed game bird feed and that was about it!
When we first turned them out to free range, we were sure that they wouldn't go back to the coop at roosting time and were pleasantly suprised when they did! At this point in time, they are better at coming home to roost than the banty chickens (who are in lock-down at this time due to wanting to roost in the trees with a racoon on the prowl).
They've done a fantastic job at thinning out the ticks and chigger population but haven't made a dent in the grasshopper population.
They have this uncanny knack of knowing when we're talking on our cell phones...they come running or flying out of no where, proceed to get fairly close and then get as loud as they can!
I did not like our guineas. They are incredibly loud and picked on the chickens. They roamed all over creation and loved to get on the roof of the house. They didnt' eat all the bugs in the garden. :/ I finally managed to catch them (they would never roost in the coop) and I sold them and it was the best thing I ever did. Maybe I'll get them again if I had a large property (many more acres) and the barns were far from the house.
We just "lucked up" and had tons of them this year!
They shouldn't be as bad next year, we ordered some Nolo Bait and started putting it down in the worst areas and will order more in the spring and continue to battle them.
The hoppers weren't near as bad last year and we suspect it's because the field across the road was left to grow up as no one was living there. Someone bought the place earlier this year and they keep the field mowed so it was like all the hoppers moved here. Then there's the fact that this was all woods until we bought it and made our small clearing...putting in the garden was basically setting up a large free buffet for them!
im planing guineas for my land in the spring, dogs = ticks, guineas = less ticks lol dogs + guinnes = happier lol
i did work with some when i worked at the zoo, they had been bought specifically for bug patrol (lymes is an issue in CT) and had NOT been properly raised, theyd started letting them out to range way too early and theyd bought some adults...so every night theyd come back to the generl vicinty of their stable, but wouldnt go in alone and wed have to spend about 1/2 an hour with 4-5 people herding them in...i mean we were all skilled keepers working with potentially dangerous animals on a regular basis, but it took 5 of us to round up a flock of 2 dozen guinnes and get them into their house...
it wasnt that they didnt want to go in...it was that they didnt seem to be able to figure out the DOOR!...wide open and theyd get close but didnt seem to be able to figure out how to get in then stand around yelloing for help...when we got out there to help they forogt that they wanted to go in and made us work for it...
their either increidbly dumb, OR there incredily stubborn and think watching humans run around like idiots is ammusing!