Gun shooting etiquette question


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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k0xxx said:
Up-the-Creek said:
...The law here is a gun cannot be fired within 100ft of a dwelling...
Geeze, that would mean that I'd have to quit using my kitchen as my deer blind, and the widow sill as my gun rest. I'd sure miss the handy access to the coffee pot and snacks! :(
:gig That's my kinda huntin' !:gig A couple of years back we had some neighbors that rented a farm house about a 1/2 mile from here. We would here them shooting from time to time, but never got to concerned until one evening we hear bullets ricocheting over the house. :ep Called the Sheriff and they discovered a couple of drunk teenagers shooting at rocks. :rant They went to jail.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
opiemaster said:
Just sounds like you have some idiot neighbors. I have several large calliber guns and have shot them regularly. Out here in the country its the way it is. Live and let live sorta thing. More than likely they just purchased a new handgun and are out there shooting it. Large caliber X Short barrell = loud bang. You could call the sherriff and just tell him you are concerned as you hadnt heard this going on before in the area and wanted him to make sure everything was "cool". This puts it off as you just being a good neighbor and concerned rather than some city - pr!c moving to the country and then want to change things when you get there (not saying you are by any means, just thats what us rednecks think when the law shows up cuz im doin somethin I normaly do,, like,, mowin my front yard in a thong and flip flops on my snazzy 3 wheel riding lawn mower). :lol: Good luck with it all thou, dealing with neighbors can be tricky.:rolleyes:
Not sure that's a sight I want to see. :ep


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 1, 2009
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Well I will say that I dont have any body trying to interupt me when Im doin my yard work anymore!! (In fact, know that I think about it no one even comes DOWN our road when Im mowin anymore :/). And that could explain why the wife makes me weed the garden and flower beds at night also. :p And here I thought she just wanted to get me off the porch and away from the bug zapper and my 12pk at night ...
HEy BBH where ya live, Ill pack my mower and come visit ya and go visit these people myself (Ill tellem your my sister or somethin like that) and see if they could tame it down a bit hows that? :p


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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I'll wade in here for a minute. I am still the new guy on the road and I've been here 10 years now :) You will hear the occasional crack of a rifle around here even though we are in shotgun territory. Folks are making sure their guns are still sighted in, and they can ride the recoil on the big gun still.

Then there is me :hide

I figure lots of folks who have guns eventually have pistols. I grew up with rifles and shotguns. I can safely say I can pick up any long gun and hit what I am aiming at most of the time.

A pistol???? The mechanics of firing the gun are the same, but its a totally different skill. In my case my .45 feels the need to be shot and often.. otherwise I loose the edge and accuracy I have. They say shooting is a perishable skill. In handguns, I find this to be true. Loose a little weight, be a little stronger/weaker than you were a week ago and you notice it on the scorecard.

First time I got my .45 out to shoot it? I had the sheriff's department and 3 sets of neighbors coming out to see what kind of "elephant gun" I was using. The sheriff's were called by a house over 3/4 a mile away lol. The cops chuckled when I showed them it was a HUGE handgun that held 9 in the clip and one in the pipe :) I showed everyone the backstop and range that had always been there, and over the years the cops and neighbors have come out to target practice. In a funny way it helped me make some new friends!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fayetteville, NC
Gun shooting etiquette.

Well, it's a tricky one. I was always taught that you can shoot during the daylight as long as it's not disruptive to any neighborly activities(church, weddings, parties, etc).

I know it can be a little aggrivating because it can be disruptive to you and your animals, but your horse will soon settle down and your dog will realize the sky is not falling.

My Blackjack spent his whole "foal"hood(birth to 3 years old) next to a turkey shoot. Artillary, thunder, gunshots, fireworks, and any other random loud noise and he just pops his head up looks around and goes back to grazing.

If you are worried about it, a chat with the sheriff just to make sure they are shooting safely and soberly would help ease the mind.

We live in a neighborhood where everyone has a gun(s) and will choose a day(in the light) to shoot them, so everyone is very desensitized to random repeated shooting. It's the single or couple random shots that get people's attention here when nothing is in season.

Send the sheriff over to just make sure all is safe, legal, and sober and just try to remain calm. If you are nervous or anxious, you'll transfer that energy into your animals, and vice versa. :)


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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How many acres does the person own? They can legally shoot the gun on their property if they have . . . I think it is 5 acres, but it might be 10. I wrote it down somewhere and would have to look that up for you.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Thanks you guys.

Either they ran out of ammo or someone else called the sherrif.

I'm the new guy here so I wasn't sure. Heck I'm from TX where everyone has a hand gun (especially the women!) and I lived in the country for 20 years and never heard gun shots like that before. That day I counted 50+ shots!

Anyhoo, I'm not against guns or the occasional gun shot or two here and there. But 50??

I was also worried WHO was shooting the guns...they don't seem to be responsible folks in the first place.

As far as my horses and dogs, yeah they got over it. Me? It was like Chinese water torture. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG...... It got pretty annoying.

We all have 5 acres each. They are 2 neighbors down, so they were about 10 square acres down the road. (It was during the day.)

It seems to have worked itself out. Again, thanks for calming my nerves y'all.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I will look up the acreage limitation though, so if they start again, you will know if you have a right to call and report them. When it is so close it makes you feel unsafe to be outside, and then you worry for the animals. :/

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