Handy tip worth posting to a thread~Mail for Soldiers.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I posted this on my journal but realized that a lot of folks don't read it and thought this one was good enough to share with the crowd.

When I got the address for my boy's boot camp and saw how long and convoluted it was, I decided to make it easier for him to write to me. I printed off a lot of envelopes with his address and my return address, so that I can write to him easily and his brothers would be encouraged to write to him.

Then I printed off plenty of envelopes addressed to me with HIS return address and tucked one in each letter I sent to him. I also sent him several with his grandma's address.

I then printed off several with his address but with no return address and put them up on the church bulletin board for all those folks who like to send an encouraging word to our soldiers. For those, I included the stamp. That way, all they have to do is jot down a quick, encouraging note and send it on its way.

I gave a few of these to his friends also, stamps and all.

Needless to say, the boy was, and still is, very thrilled with this handy dandy trick and loves the ease of writing to mom, granny and friends.

Typed envelopes are processed more quickly by the postal service, which makes for quicker delivery~hopefully!

On care packages, I used a letter taped to the top of the box as my address label. This way he gets a package and a letter with the same postage price.

Hope this helps someone communicate with a loved one who is away from home and badly needs to hear from someone.

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