Lovin' The Homestead
To get started you might want to look at this website for some one in your area That is the brand of geo thermal heat pump our company has installed for 22 years. Now lets try to do some explaining don't mind my typing please. Their are two different types of loops for example their are closed loops and open loops. horizontal loops or trenches are closed loops, they can be slinkied like if you stretch out a slinky you simply stretch the coil out with out rolling it this normally requires a jig to assure the slinky is spread evenly. We most commonly simply just run the pipes along the bottom of the trench along the sides. If the ground is rocky however screenings are used for beading to protect the pipes both beneath them and above. The amount of screenings would be determined by your soil or how rocky it is. When a backhoe is used we lay one loop in each trench about 4 ft deep although when using a excavator or a track how with a much larger bucket two loops are placed in one trench 6 ft deep. Typically 300 ft of pipe per ton of heating btu's. Then their are vertical loops which are also a closed loops. In this instance a well drill is used to bore a hole in the ground at the requested depth then the loop is rolled out weighted on the end were the u bend is filled with water and dropped in the hole. If the ground is good no casing is needed and we don't want any either because we are after heat transfer from the ground. After the loopes are dropped the holes are then filled with a slurry mixture. We run two main lines from the home to the header witch is located at a central location between the loops were they are tied together one pipe from each loop goes to each line to the home to be tied into a pump pack that is mounted inside on the wall near the unit to circulate the water/methanol mixture through the loops. You can also do a closed loop in a pond if the pond is deep enough 8 to ten feet will normally make a heating contractor who knows what he is doing happy. Then their are open loops or pump and dumps witch ever you want to call them they take water from your well run it through the unit and disperse of it into the ground a pond or a drain. The way they work is typical of a air to air heat pump except they use they steady ground temperature rather than the fluxeuateing air temperature. The liquid from the loops no matter which kind never never go through the compressor their work is done once they go through the heat exchanger. Where their is a tube inside of a tube and they flow around each other in the refrigeration process that the gasses flash of. Before i forget nobody that has a clue about what they are would ever use copper or barbed fittings in a geo thermal system. Special pe pipe that is to be heat fused with a 500 degree iron is how it should be assembled. I hope this helps and i hope i said this all correctly
nightshades hubby.
nightshades hubby.