Perception is different for all folks. Several of my "hippie" friends went to Vietnam and one dear friend did not come home. My own brother went and while he did return - he was a changed man. I try to let a person's actions speak for themselves and to stay away from categorizing folks if I don't know them personally.
The definition of pacifism is simply an opposition to war and violence. If that's wrong, then take your gun and go ahead and shoot me now.
By the way, I do own guns, and am opposed to gun control. Guess that makes me a gun-toting radical?After all, isn't every gun owner a contributor to the violence and senseless mayhem that guns bring about????? Or is it that guns don't kill - people do?
Still not offended by the posts, but I do enjoy raising questions.
Both my husband and my family have no idea of the work that goes into keeping our house from crumbling and our tiny amount of land and garden maintained.
They love to be drop in leaf peepers and such but don't understand that we have to chop up those leaves, mow the field, weed the garden etc etc